Can you believe it?! I am officially in my second trimester! I am beyond excited and cannot wait for the growing belly to begin growing even more rapidly and to experience the "best" trimester of the three apparently, lol. The first was pretty great, so I'm assuming it'll just keep getting better! Sorry this update is a day late... I wrote it yesterday, but could not upload until today because we are currently without internet at the house, but we are working on hopefully getting that back up and running again here soon.
Well yesterday, the 11th, was my birthday and it was definitely a great one! I am still not sure I really am 27 years old... Can't believe how fast time flies and can't believe that by both Garrett's and I's birthdays next year we'll be parents. Holy Moly, God is great and is definitely blessing us greatly! For this year Garrett and I promised each other we'd just do a combined dinner for both our birthdays to avoid spending much money and to just enjoy each others company, not so much the gifts. So much to my surprise, it was wonderful to get birthday flowers sent to work yesterday for my birthday. Then I asked what he wanted for dinner and he casually suggested pork chops since he knows my favorite meal consists of pork chops. However, much to my surprise shortly after arriving home from work, my parents showed up. Then my favorite pizza arrived and I had an "HAPPY BIRTHDAY SUNSHINE" cake with my favorite flowers on it waiting for me! Now if that wasn't enough, I also got a couple things from my parents for my birthday and also received our first baby play pin toy thing from them because jokingly all I told my mom I wanted was baby stuff and help preparing for the baby, lol. My parents are the best! And Garrett also went out and bought me the newest Just Dance 3 game for wii as well as a new light up wii remote. So, needless to say we of course had to have a dance off last night, lol. Garrett definitely held his own and put up a good fight, but I still believe I know where our child will get there dance ability ;) haha, jk. Garrett did awesome! All in all, after a very long, tiring day at work, Garrett and my family made my birthday one to remember!
Now time for baby updates :)
Our little baby is growing fast! We go back to the Dr. in a few weeks and I'm hoping they'll schedule the next ultrasound then too so we can hopefully find out girl or boy. Originally I did not want to know, but Garrett did, so he made a proposition to which I accepted. We are going to find out the sex of our first child, but any future child I get the choice; that's one heck of a deal if you ask me, lol. For those that are curious, Garrett wants a boy and I'd like a girl, but ultimately we both want at least one boy and one girl, God willing... so it's really in his hands as to what we get and in what timing. We do have names picked out for both though :) With just starting the second trimester, I do still have some morning sickness, but am hoping that will wear off soon. Also, sleep is getting tougher; for those that know me, you know I already have a small bladder, but now add a growing baby in there... I wake up multiple times in the night sometimes, but guess it's better to get used to less sleep earlier on so I am at least somewhat prepared for a newborn. Cambrie doesn't help either because inevitably if I wake up, she too then wakes up and she's not quiet when she wakes up. That is definitely something we're going to have to work on with her, especially come closer to baby time. Luckily she falls right back asleep quick. And, my belly is still growing fast, but now is the time that it will grow the quickest, so I'll be sure to keep the pictures coming! :) Here is my belly at 13 weeks:

Here's what has to say:
your baby's the size of a peach!
She's about 2.9 inches long and weighs about .81 ounces, and -- proportion-wise -- her head's now about 1/3 the size of her body (remember? It used to be bigger!).
your baby at 13 weeks
- Can you believe she's forming vocal cords and teeth?!
- And even though she's still teeny, she already has fingerprints.
- Her intestines are moving from the umbilical cord to their more permanent place, in her tummy.