Last week as you know we went to get an ultrasound, but I had not revealed what Garrett and I were being blessed with. I am happy to announce that we will be welcoming a precious baby girl in April! Her name is Grace Lynn Myers. Yes, we did have, both, a boy name and a girl name already picked out. So, we'll just have to put the boy name on hold for any potential future boy baby myers'. Grace has been a name that I have always liked and Garrett didn't really have any ties to any specific girl names that he wanted. So, when we were contemplating different names, we both kept coming back to Grace and were able to stick with it. Not to mention, come to find out, my grandfathers late sister (my great aunt) was Grace! Lynn is a name that actually runs in both of our families. I have always expressed how much it meant to me to keep it in my family and when Garrett was talking to his grandmother, he found out that Lynn actually is a middle name that runs further up in his line. So, all in all, I believe it was meant to be and I actually like the ring to it and think that it all flows pretty well together; Grace Lynn Myers.
It's a GIRL! |
Rubbing her eye |
This last Saturday Garrett and I had a baby gender reveal party. I wanted the gender to be a surprise until the end (crazy, maybe, but that's me) and Garrett wanted to know as soon as possible of course. We compromised by finding out the sex together at the doctor and then throwing a reveal party the following weekend to keep the surprise and have our families find out together. The waiting to tell was the hardest part! However, I don't regret any of it for a minute. I was so happy to be able to watch our little Grace move on the monitor and to be able to talk about her and her progress with the technician, as well as, hear the explanation as to just why she's a she and what the u/s tech was looking for, etc.
1. four generations Grandma, Mama, Me and Grace!
2. Me with my two Papas |
Surprisingly more people chose boys, but guess what?! It's a girl! |
This Monday, Garrett and I went for a normal OB visit. Again we were able to hear Grace's heartbeat, which I always love! However, I was a little bummed to hear that I'm a little over my weight goal. Good news is though, the doctor says that I'm not much over and still have time to get it in check. I just have take in more healthy stuff and less of the french fries. Those were my saving grace, especially through the whole first trimester (any salty carbs were my best Friend). Guess I don't really need those now.

All in all, I'm doing great and Garrett is doing wonderful as well. We are both so very happy about welcoming another girl into the household. However, I don't know what Garrett is going to do with all us girls. Between me, Cambrie, Maggie, and now Grace, he may have a handful, lol. I know that he is going to love every minute of it though! It's also great to know that mama is only half an hour away and can be over at beckon call. I know she'd be over in an instant to help when I need her or just be there for emotional support. I also know that we'd be welcome over there anytime! She is already counting down until little miss Grace will be here and she and the other grandparents can spoil her! :) We have definitely been blessed and I know Grace Lynn will also be blessed by all the same family and friends that God's place in Mine and Garrett's lives.
Well, tomorrow is Thanksgiving. I do hope that you all have an absolutely blessed Thanksgiving with your families, friends, and whomever you wish to celebrate or spend time with. Remember to be thankful for all your many blessings. I know that I am so very thankful be able to be a wife to the most amazing man a girl could hope for, daughter of an incredible mom and dad that continue to inspire me and be a positive influence in my life, and a mommy-to-be of a precious baby girl that I cannot wait to welcome in the next year! God Bless all! says:
your baby's the size of a mango!
At about 6.0 inches long and weighing in at about 8.5 ounces, she's getting there!
your baby at 19 weeks
- Developing a protective coating over her skin, called vernix caseosa. It's greasy and white and you may see some of it at her birth.
- Working on her five senses. Nerve cells for her sense of taste, hearing, sight and smell are developing in her brain.