Grace Lynn is 26 Weeks Old today... holy moly, where has the time gone?! That means tomorrow (the 17th), yep, she will be 6 months old!! Her eyes are a little red and swollen in this picture because she is just getting over a slight cold (had a fever of 103.8, poor girl :( but thankfully God answers prayers and her fever has broke, so she was able to go to school today). She is still a cutie!!
This last week I had my birthday and it was absolutely wonderful! My recipe to a great birthday is:
A 'dash' of present opening with my baby girl.
A 'pinch' of a first birthday text from my mom.
A 'dash' of a first birthday call from my best friend Stephanie.
A 'teaspoon' of lunch with my wonderful mother-in-law.
A 'splash' of a visit from Grace's Great Granny and Great Papa.
A 'tablespoon' of time with Nana, Papi, and Aunt Goober.
A 'cup' of Cowboys for a date night with my handsome husband.
And, ENDLESS (there is no amount that is ever too much) love from my wonderful family!
Great Granny stealing kisses from Grace and
having a yelling contest, LOL |
Snuggling with Nana while Mommy and Daddy
have a date night :) |
Thank you all so very much for the birthday cards and birthday wishes this week. It really meant a lot to receive kind cards from my grandma, aunt cookie, and grandma gardner in the mail this week!
This was my first birthday as a mommy and definitely a great one. Any day I get to wake up to the beautiful face of Grace Lynn and my handsome husband Garrett is a great one, but this being the first birthday with the both of them was so special! And, Garrett bought me a very nice digital picture frame for work that I LOVE!; however, it is very distracting! LOL.
The same week that I celebrate a birthday, Grace Lynn gets to celebrate her half-birthday! Wow, I can't believe she is already half-way to a year. She is growing up way too fast, but is growing up absolutely beautiful into the most precious girl I could ever have hoped for. Happy half birthday baby girl (tomorrow).