Family Pool Days:
Mother's Day [1st Foot Spa with Mommy at the Ladies Luncheon for Mother's day, Art for Mommy, Family Time at Church]:
1st Annual Girls Weekend [Jacksonville Zoo, 1st Trip to the Beach, and Just all around great time with my three favorite ladies (Mom, Sister, and Daughter)]:
She has also been to her MyGym classes many times; hoping to have some of those pictures for you soon :) She enjoys every minute of her class and is doing so much better week by week.
And here are some milestones that we have seen in our little girl just since turning one!!
- No longer uses a bottle or pacifier at all
- No more baby food for our little girl
- Just cut her 3rd tooth (Top left)
- Knows how to say the following:
- Hi
- Bye
- Boo
- Dada
- Mama
- Chicken
- Cow
- Moo
- Doggie
- Piggie
- Maggie (our dog's name)
- Yeah (working on the "yes ma'am" and "yes sir")
- Please (this one is hit or miss)
- Up
- There
- Belly (She even knows where her belly is and will point to it!)
- She responds to us when we say the following:
- "No" (doesn't always listen; tries us like any toddler but knows the meaning and has learned her lesson a couple times)
- "Can I have a kiss?" She gives us a kiss
- "Where's Maggie?" Looks for her and then points while saying "Maggie"
- "Where's Cambrie?" Looks for her and then points while saying "Piggie"
- "High Five" She high fives
- "Where are the chickens?" Looks for them and then points to them; when she sees them she says either "There" or "Chicken"
- "Where's daddy (or mommy)?" Looks for us and then runs to us and gives us a big hug
- "Ready for your bath?" She says "yeah"
- Not only walking but RUNNING!
- Climbs our small set of iron stairs
- Climbs down not only the couch but also big beds
- Loves to jump on the trampoline
These are just the things I can think of off-hand. This little lady is just growing way too fast, but we are most certainly loving EVERY SECOND!!