Well, I am 36 weeks along with baby #2 and Grace is now 2 years old (as of April 17th).. crazy, right?! I know it's been a while since my last post... I have really been slacking. Things have just been crazy busy with work, home, etc... trying to get all of our ducks in a row before #2 decides to make their arrival, which I guess could really be any day now... yikes! We are so excited to welcome our new addition, but I am also wanting time to slow way down so I can enjoy this last month of pregnancy and also enjoy every second as a family of 3 with Grace before she becomes a big sister.

Since my last post, Grace celebrated her 2nd birthday and what a fun day that was!! She is growing up way too fast and getting smarter and smarter by the day. She now counts up to 12 (when did this happen?!). She also is talking like crazy and saying small sentences. Oh and did I mention we have began potty training and I'd say she is about 60% there or closer. She is getting better and better about telling us when she has to go and gets so excited when she does go, yelling "I did it!!" while giving us a high five. She is too stinkin' cute! Another thing that our oh so sweet girl has picked up is something not so sweet... she has started saying "that's not nice" whenever we do something she does not like (i.e. put her in timeout). It was cute the first time and kind of funny, but man oh man do we need to nip that in the bud, lol.

Grace is also now back at the Goldenrod KinderCare with her favorite teachers and little friends. What a blessing the KinderCare family and staff have been since the whole incident in early April. Everyone has been so supportive and encouraging through everything. Grace absolutely loves the new center and being back "home". It is kind of bitter sweet though because we know she will not be there much longer, as my mom will be watching the kiddos after #2 arrives (to help us save a little money and to give her more time with them). We are very excited about that and know that both of the children will love being with their Nana and Papi more, but I will definitely have to make a point to get up to KinderCare to visit our friends there too on occasion, as they will be very missed.
Remodeled KinderCare Center |
Grace with some of her favorite staff at KinderCare and the gifts that she
made for each of them, as well as the the gift she gave each of her friends
(Top Row: Ms. Stephanie, Ms. Cheryl, Ms. Amy
Bottom Row: Ms. Jessica, Ms. Shalisa, Ms. Donna) |
Grace also is into her 3rd week of gymnastics. A friend of mine from a previous church is actually her coach and does a wonderful job with the little ones. It is so much fun to watch Grace bounce around with the other 2-3 year olds and learn new stuff each week. I think it is safe to say she is really enjoying it!
Grace doing her stretches at the beginning of class |
Grace on the uneven bars |
We also got to go up to Atlanta memorial weekend to see our best friends... yes, I said "our". We got to spend a day with Bryan (whom Garrett is great friends with), along with his lovely wife, Sara, and their newest addition Jackson. It was absolutely wonderful spending that time with them and catching up. We do wish we could see them more often.
Bryan and Jackson with Garrett and Grace |
That same weekend, we got to see my best friend of 25+ years, Stephanie and her wonderful family (Husband, Wade and three children, Karley, Amanda, and Reed). Stephanie is also expecting and it is so cool to be able to share this time with her. This was also the first time that all of the children got to meet each other and boy oh boy did they hit it off! Reed and Grace were absolutely adorable together and Karley and Amanda acted like big sisters with Grace. It was evident that Grace did not want to leave and they did not want Grace to leave.
Reed, Amanda, Grace, and Karley |
Stephanie and I with our baby bumps! |
It really is amazing how you can be apart from someone for so long and then see them and it's as if you were never apart. That is how it always is when I see Stephanie and Garrett can say the same with Bryan. Friends are such a blessing and we are certainly blessed with some incredible friends!!
Well now the countdown begins... Amanda comes home today, woohoo!! It is awesome that the timing worked out perfectly; she will be home just in time for our second little one to make their arrival and be able spend a couple months with us before heading back off to work. Then we will just have to start planning our next cruise to see her :) Hopefully it doesn't take me this long to post again, but who knows, the next post I make may include a family of 4.
Friends please keep us in your prayers as we get closer and closer to welcoming our new addition. It will definitely be a big change, not only for Garrett and I, but also for our Grace. I know she will be an awesome big sister, but I also know it may take some time for her to adjust to having another little one in the house. We are anxiously awaiting what God has in store for us and cannot be any happier with what we've already been given.
Grace doing her belly like mommy :) |
Side note: baby is the size of a honey dew!