January: Happy 6 year anniversary to Garrett and I and happy two year anniversary to my beautiful sister and brother-in-love! Time is flying, but the years just keep getting better and better. January also included the 100th day of school for Grace... look at this adorable 100 year old. Nana did a pretty good job making her look the part and Grace was so excited to rock the old lady look. This month, we also decided to have a little girls day with some of Grace's and Scarlett's girl friends... they had so much fun playing dress up, getting dirty, and eating popcorn, while watching a movie. They are so cute together and what a great group of little ladies they are. I'm thankful for our girls' friendship and for their mama's friendship. This month we went camping with our awesome neighbors and boy did we pick one heck of a weekend to go... tent camping in 30 degree weather was quite the experience. Those kiddos sure were troopers though!! We definitely said we will have to do it again, but maybe in slightly warmer weather. Also, this month, we used our Christmas gift from my parents and got to see the Ringling Brothers and Barnum and Bailey Circus! I'm so excited I got to experience this again (I haven't been since I was just a kid) and also happy that our girls got to experience the fun before they discontinued the circus. It was a magical evening!!
100th day of school! |
Girls Day! |
Camping in the COLD!!
Circus Fun! |
February: This was the month for the Duke Energy Florida Lineman's Rodeo. I was so excited when I first heard about this event and couldn't wait to check it out. Unfortunately Garrett was unable to attend, but the girls, my parents and I had a wonderful time! We even got to go into the bucket of a transmission line truck. The girls absolutely LOVED that, as did my mom and I (Dad not liking heights too much decided to watch from below). The girls also got to get their faces painted, climb a rock wall, climb a pole, and play on fun inflatable slides. February is also the month of state fair!! This has become a family tradition and it was so great to have our friends, the Goodmans join us this year as well! Grace and Grace's friend Grace had a ball riding the rides! Scarlett got to milk a cow for the first time this year also! Can't wait to go again next year!!
Fun with the girls in the bucket truck! |
Not scared at all... soaring HIGH! |
Friends at the State Fair |
Happy girls just milked a cow! |
March: This month, Garrett finished the upstairs bedrooms and bathrooms!! The girls now have their own big girl bedrooms and boy do they love them!! Scarlett of course has the minion themed since she is our little minion and Grace has the princess themed since she sure loves her Princess Arielle. Another soccer season under our belts this month. Way to go Grace and the Rockets on another great season!! This month we got to witness the marriage of Jason and Caitlin (good friends). Besides the bride of course, I believe our little girls definitely took the cake! It was such a beautiful ceremony and of course we love every opportunity we get to dress up. Congratulations to the bride and groom!
Grace with Coach Erin |
Pretty girls at Caitlin and Jason's wedding
My loves |
April: This month we celebrated Grace's 5th birthday Frozen style. I even made Garrett wear a matching shirt with me, which if you know anything about Garrett, that is not easy!! LOL. The party was a lot of fun and Grace loved spending time with her family and friends. Happy Easter this month as well from our little bunnies to you! The girls always get so excited to find their baskets and the best part is they will spend all afternoon hiding eggs for each other and then finding them. This month also was a scary one for us. Both girls came down with a cold; high temperatures and very lethargic demeanors. Grace came through hers, but Scarlett didn't get through hers quite as easily. This was Garrett and I's first time witnessing a febrile seizure and it was the scariest thing ever. We had the ambulance come out to our house and check over sweet Scarlett. The seizure lasted a solid few minutes and there was nothing that we could do except comfort her and try to cool her down; talk about SCARY! Thank God that she pulled through and once the fever subsided for good, she was back to her normal self. This did result however in Nana getting very sick too... so sorry Nana!!
Happy 5th Birthday Grace! |
Easter Bunnies |
Showing off their colored eggs |
Two sick little kiddos
May: Can you believe that Grace has VPK (Voluntary Pre-Kindergarten) graduation?! When I was growing up, I do not remember having these fancy graduations, but what a wonderful and memorable event it was. Much to our surprise, she even struck a pose for us as she walked through to accept her diploma! We also had an impromptu family date day this month... these girls certainly love their daddy and all the fun they have together. We enjoyed fishing, playing on the playground, swimming, etc. It was just a day full of outside fun.
Grace with her Graduation Certificate |
Scarlett so happy for her big sister |
Always fun fishing with daddy |
June: Scarlett had her first dance recital!! I cannot believe I have a little girl that somehow got the dancing/showmanship gene... go figure! Between Garrett and I, I reckon' it was inevitable, lol. She was incredible!! She performed a baby hip hop routine and didn't miss a beat. After the routine was over and as they were walking off with the lights going down, she yells "That was FUN!" Right then I knew, she was right where she was meant to be in that time. Look how cute she looks in her little outfit!! This month, Grace also received another chance to do mutton bustin'! I am so grateful that she got this opportunity again, despite almost not getting the chance, a special lady made it possible!! Thank you Ms. Mona!! She also for the first time participated in the cow herd competition, which was HILARIOUS! It made it all the more fun getting to have Bryan and Sarah join us this year for the fun as well. Grace also got her first "big girl" haircut with side bangs in June... look how grown up she looks!! Her and her little buddy Logan from VPK have also been having more playdates... they are just too stinkin' cute!! Lastly, my dear friend Sheena married the man of her dreams this month and we got to celebrate with them. Congrats Sheena and Kevin!!

Recital time!
Ms. Mona with Grace |
Go GRACE!! |
New Haircut and fun with Logan
Wedding fun with great people! |
July: This was a sad month for us. Our dear Harry passed away. Garrett was so strong though and stayed home burying him. Harry was Garrett's first horse and real pet that I know he loved. The girls took it pretty well too. I think they missed him at first and were not sure where he really went, but now they understand that he is no longer with us here and Grace says things like "I think Bailey misses Harry, but he will be happy when he sees him in Heaven." That just melts my heart. Bailey is also actually handling it pretty well. We didn't know how he would do because he only has known time with Harry in the pasture and he is up there in age, significantly older than Harry was. I actually had a dear friend capture some pictures of Bailey (as a unicorn) and the girls because we know his time is coming as well and the girls love unicorns at this stage in their little lives. Thank you Jackie for capturing these beautiful memories!! We did have a great time celebrating Scarlett's 3rd birthday this month, Troll style! She is the cutest little troll ever known to be. Also, a full year of horseback riding for Grace in the books. I cannot believe how far she has come in just a years time and how much she still enjoys riding. She has even had her share of falls... 3 I believe to be exact, but she always gets right back on. Thank you Ms. Jess for the training and encouragement you provide our little lady.
Harry and Garrett |
Unicorn behind the scenes and a sneak peak image
Happy 3rd Birthday Scarlett! |
A tough day of riding, but one determined gal |
Scarlett watching her big sister ride |
August: Can you believe we have a Kindergartner?! Yes, me neither! Grace Lynn started her first year of "big girl" school and has one awesome teacher. I could not be more grateful for the year she is having at her new school. She has made some new friends, gets excited to do her work, and actually misses school on the weekends! Scarlett also started a new season of dance. We moved her to a studio closer to home this year and she is LOVING it. It a stark difference from her hip hop class. Our sassy little gal now is in a tutu and is also tapping. She loves her "tappin' shoes" and sure loves Ms. Mary. She looks forward to class every week.
1st day of Kindergarten and Grace with her teacher, Ms. Lewis
Scarlett far right, dancing with Ms. Mary |
September: This month was a first for me... I got to work "Storm Duty" for Hurricane Irma. This was one powerful hurricane and it was very interesting working leading up to the storm and immediately following it's passing to get line crews mobilized and to the proper locations to restore power. It was quite the experience. It was also fun to enjoy some time with the family sans power... we played in the pool, lived off a generator in our pool house for a little bit, and played old fashioned card games. We certainly made the best of it and the girls, as well as Garrett and I had a blast! Grace began another season of soccer this month. I love watching her grow and learn with each and every practice and new season.
Fun in the pool with no power |
Excited for first soccer practice |
Soccer tips from daddy |
October: Dun Dun Dun... this is the month that I take the PE (Professional Engineering) Exam. Unfortunately that means not much time to celebrate my own birthday or do anything else. Thank goodness for one amazing husband and support family. I sat through the 8 hour test and came out of it completely mentally exhausted. It was one of the hardest things I have ever had to sit through, but now it is done and the waiting game begins (6-8 weeks before results are released). This month Grace also started taking silks from a sweet friend that my sister and I used to dance with, Denise. Grace was very excited!! Grace has never danced, but was over the moon when I asked her if she wanted to do what Aunt Boo did on the Big Boat. Those eyes lit up and she smiled with an adamant "YES!" She is still very young and physically not able to do what some of the older kiddos are capable of doing, but that does not stop her. She comes home after each lesson excited to tell us how she did and what she learned. She has a drive and determination that I love! Oh and in other big news, Grace got her ears pierced!! Look how adorable she is! Scarlett and Grace decided they wanted to be superheroes this month for Halloween... they have got to be the cutest superheroes ever, this little Wonder Woman and Batgirl!!

First silks class and new earrings!
Ouch... but so happy in the end
Our very own batgirl and wonder woman
November: This month I got to go with Grace on her first school field trip to Green Meadows farm, which was such a memorable and special day for us both. I am so excited I got to be there and experience the excitement of her first field trip and first bus ride with her. I remember going to green meadows with my mama as a little girl. Also this month, our family traveled to Angier, North Carolina to visit the Gardner family (Garrett's Grandparents, Cousins, Aunts, and Uncles on his mother's side). It was especially wonderful to get to spend the entire Thanksgiving week with Grandma Dee and Grandpa Frank. We also celebrated cousin Courtney's beautiful wedding! Unfortunately, Grace came down with a slight cold early in our trip, which got passed on to Scarlett. Unlike Grace, Scarlett did not pull through very quickly. Thanksgiving morning we were at the ER because she had another bout of febrile seizures. I would wish that on NO Parent ever. It is the worst feeling not being able to help your child and see them suffer like that. Thankfully after almost an entire week, her fevers subsided and she was back to herself. All in all though, it was a wonderful month and I am so grateful for such wonderful family.

Fun at Green Meadows Farm
Happy to experience this with my girl |
Fun with the family in NC |
Girls on the farm in NC |
Unfortunate ER visit |
December: What a way to start this month... remember me mentioning that little thing called a PE exam? Well I received wonderful news the first week of the month. I PASSED! I am now a professional engineer, Crystal Myers, P.E. and I could not be more excited for this wonderful early Christmas gift!!! This month we also did our annual Christmas tree picking and visited Santa Claus. The girls were so excited to see Santa and talked about it non-stop. Of course they both play shy when they get up there with him, but their faces sure do light up with joy. I think they enjoy cutting down the tree equally as much. I love the joy that we see on their faces this time of year!
Mt. Dora Christmas |
We found our tree! |
Mr. and Mrs. Claus with the girls |
As this year winds down, I wish you and yours an absolutely blessed Christmas and new year. When I lay my head down at night, I thank the Lord for my wonderful family and my wonderful friends (YOU!). You all make this journey of life such a joyous one!! May God bless you and may you always remember the Reason for the Season!!
MERRY CHRISTMAS from the Myers Family!!