Tuesday, July 26, 2011

anxious for canada

Well tomorrow we leave for Canada... I am sooo excited!  One of Garrett's very good friends is getting married and we are also close friends with his fiance.  We could not be happier for Andre and Lauren!  They are two of the sweetest people and make an absolutely wonderful pair.  Well, long story short, we've been pretty busy and didn't have time to cook dinner tonight.  So, we decided to pick up something quick on the way home (which we don't do very often) and Cambrie sure did notice...  I'll tell you what, that little nose of hers doesn't miss a beat.

"Mom can I please have some??"
After eating dinner, I signed on here to get my last minute blog in before we finish getting ready for our trip and are off for the weekend.  While on the computer, Cambrie likes to just stand under the table or chair and wait for me to finish... I think she feels like it's her little safe zone or something.  Then she will follow either myself or Garrett around until it is time for bed.  She's adorable!

Hanging out under my chair
Anyways, like I said, we will be away until very late Sunday evening and then it's back to the grind bright and early Monday morning for work.  It will be a lovely and fun trip that we are very much looking forward to!  Please pray for our safe travels to and from, as well as for the families and friends of the bride and groom also traveling for the wedding.

Finally, Here is a picture of Cambrie from last night.  She was eating corn and the sunset happened to be right behind where she was standing, so I decided to capture a quick picture.  Hope to have more pictures from this weekend in the coming week (once we get settled back at home).  You all have a blessed rest of your week and weekend!

Cambrie eating in front of the sunset last night

Monday, July 25, 2011

Ms. Thing

Yes, doesn't she think she is just the coolest thing around... okay, maybe she is.

Cambrie's playtime; outside after work today

Everyone keeps saying that this little girl is preparing us for kids and I'd certainly like to think so... she acts like she runs the place, but she is getting much better at listening.  Although, like a kid, she loves to try our patience sometimes.  We wouldn't trade her for the world though.  How could anyone not love this cute little face??  She's the best!!

Sunday, July 24, 2011

what i love about sundays

Today was just one lovely day if I do say so myself.  For starters, It was so nice to be back in our church this Sunday with some wonderful friends after being out of town last weekend, at my home church the weekend before that, and at a competition before that... man has it been a busy month and next month will be no different.  A verse caught my attention yesterday while I was reading (Proverbs 18:24).

I've learned that it is better to have few good friends than many "companions" in life, especially as I get older.  I have found that it is your friends that will be there through thick and thin and that are there for you through good times and bad.  Often times people come and go in our lives.  I do believe they were placed in our lives for a purpose though, whether it be to help us or for us to help them in one way or another.  So, I live each day and just know that sometimes people may come and go, but my real friends will be here to stay and I plan to be there for them always.  With that said, It's so nice to have made some good solid friends at our church here.  They are all great!

After church, Garrett and I took a nice walk through downtown Mount Dora, ate at a grille downtown that we hadn't tried before (it was DELICIOUS!), and then stopped into a few of the quaint little shops down there.  I really enjoyed it and we plan to take full advantage of the area much more since it is only a 5 minute drive if that.  Then we came home; Garrett mowed while I sat on the hammock and watched Cambrie outside.  It was such a nice day, especially in the shade (I even fell asleep, which was nice).  Now, we're both inside relaxing.  After this blog it'll probably be a nice dinner and movie kind of night :)  Hope you are all having a blessed Sunday and making the most out of every minute of it.

Here are a few pictures from today and yesterday that I have taken... hope you enjoy them :)

love our cambrie

they love each other

beautiful sunset last night when garrett went out to feed the boys;
had to try and somewhat capture it anyway
(looks better if you click it and enlarge it)

spider web with dust from the mower stuck on it
(thought it was pretty neat looking)

Saturday, July 23, 2011

Howard's #1 fan

Well, I can't believe NBA is on a lockout, but believe me when I say the Myers' are fully prepared when the season does kick off :)  It's all about the Magic and Cambrie's been gearing up in her favorite Dwight Howard shirt.  Here she is practicing some of her off-court skills & working out.

Friday, July 22, 2011


So there's this friend of mine Torie; if you don't know her or even if you do, you should definitely check her Life with Rylie blog out.  It's great!  Anyways, she's an awesome photographer, mother, wife, and all around amazing woman.  I have known Torie for about 15 years.  Well, she came over this last Wednesday with her little one, Rylie.

Rylie chasing Foghorn Leghorn and the hen

It was so great to see her and Rylie!  I'm glad that they were able to stay for dinner and we were able to catch up and just hang out.  We also enjoyed watching Rylie be Rylie... she is too cute!  While Torie was here, she sold me her old Nikon camera, which I love by the way!!

First day with the new camera

Anyways, I have been wanting to get more into photography and it just so happened she wanted to upgrade her camera; so it worked out nicely for me to buy hers off her and she was also kind enough to give me a little "how-to" lesson with the camera because I've never had one like it and I'm completely new to this.  Here are a few pictures that I have taken just yesterday with the new camera.

Cambrie all tuckered out

Always getting mud on her nose after a nice playtime outside

Cambrie goes for a swim

Thursday, July 21, 2011


Well, the last few days have been pretty busy so I'll begin with Tuesday and will talk about yesterday in tomorrow's blog :)  Tuesday, Garrett and I drove down to St. Petersburg after work to meet Sara and Bryan for the Devil Rays game.  They came into town for a few days before leaving on a cruise, so it was awesome to get to spend some time with them while here for that little bit.  Sara and Bryan moved up to North Carolina maybe a year ago and we've missed them since, but fortunately have gotten to see them a few times since then.  Well, good news... they may be moving slightly closer, which would be WONDERFUL because then we could see them even more.  Bryan and Garrett are best friends and have known each other quite a while.  They were college roommates and cowboys wing-men for each other (guess it worked out since they both met us ladies at cowboys, lol).  Bryan was one of Garrett's groomsmen and Garrett will have the honor of being one of Bryan's groomsmen next year when Sara and Bryan get married.  Anyways, long story short, we love getting to spend time with the two of them any chance we get and always have a wonderful time!  Tuesday was no exception; we had a great time at the Rays game with them.  Oh and the Rays beat the Yankees; can't beat that.

Here are a few pictures from the evening... the first is of Jackie (aka Koppel), Sara, and I.  Koppel and Sara have been friends for a long while and she lives down in that area, so it was great to see her again as well.  The second is the many faces of Garrett and Bryan, mostly Bryan, haha.

Koppel, Sara, and I 
Garrett and Bryan

Monday, July 18, 2011


Today has been a nice day... work was good, good drive home, relaxing evening at the house, etc.  I decided when I got home to sit out by the pool and watch Cambrie while I got some reading done.  I read a few chapters of Proverbs and it was pretty insightful (as expected of course).  Much of what I read was regarding "wisdom".  One key verse was 13:20; "He who walks with the wise grows wise, but a companion of fools suffers harm."  Wisdom combines understanding with discipline and also adds in some common sense.  However, common sense isn't really common.  We are not wise by nature, but all have wisdom freely available to us if we will just stop talking and start paying attention... paying attention to God and to His word, as well as to parents and wise teachers in our life (whether it be colleagues, friends, neighbors, etc).  Therefore, anybody can become wise, but it does take discipline to study and actively, as well as humbly, seek wisdom at every opportunity.

Another verse that I found was very appropriate was Proverbs 11:27, which states "He who seeks good finds goodwill, but evil comes to him who searches for it."  One of the reasons I decided to blog was to get off of facebook more and get away from some of the "drama" per say.  I just don't enjoy hearing negativity or whining; not that it always is about that, but many times I see statuses that display a "woe is me" attitude.  Some of the people that I see with these status updates, I just don't understand because a lot of times, I don't believe they realize how good they have it.  I've had and still have several friends going through some tough stuff that they did not bring on themselves, yet they maintain some of the most positive attitudes of anyone I know.  I give them all the credit in the world for staying strong.  Ironically (or not so ironically); these positive people also happen to be some of the most faithful, God-fearing, people I know.  I believe those with the most "drama" really do bring it on themselves and often times enjoy it; where as those seeking good find the good, even in the hard times.

I believe that many times people look for influence in the worst of places.  I don't know if this is because they do not know where to search, or if it is out of an earning to fit in, or what it is really.  But, I myself have learned that I need to go to God and the bible more, as well as continue to learn from and respect those older and wiser than myself.  I will never stop learning and hope to always have questions, while always seeking answers.

On a side note, just to throw a picture in; here is our sweet Cambrie all tuckered out.  I love coming home to this precious girl.

Sunday, July 17, 2011

Jason Aldean and Chris Young

This weekend Garrett and I had the privilege of going down south to visit two of our favorite people.  While there, we got to go to the Jason Aldean concert with an appearance by Chris Young; many thanks to Andre for the awesome seats.  Prior to the concert we went out to dinner with Andre and Lauren and then we headed on over to the Cruzan theatre for a great time!  Once the concert was over, we headed back on up to Jupiter to spend the evening with them.  All in all it was a wonderful weekend!!  We really do enjoy taking mini-vacations to visit them and can't wait for our trip in less than two weeks to Canada for their wedding!  We couldn't be more happy for them and can't wait to celebrate with them.  Well, here are just a few pictures from the fun weekend we just had.

Andre, Lauren, Myself, and Garrett
Chris Young and one of his guitarist
Jason Aldean with his band
Jason Aldean

Friday, July 15, 2011


Yesterday evening my cousin Erik and his wonderful wife, Sarah, came over with their two precious kids and their dog, Maggie.  Maggie is a beautiful black lab mix.  She has been a part of Sarah's life for the last 8 years, but unfortunately their 7 month old is allergic and doesn't do too well with her around.  So, we decided to see how they would  feel with her at our home and how she would get along with our other animals.  She did really well and is such a great dog!  It's actually kind of cute to see her and Cambrie together.  So, we are going to be adopting Maggie from them.  I know it's definitely not easy for them, especially Sarah, as she's been part of her life before she and my cousin were even married.  On the plus side though, Maggie will be at a home with lots of other friends and lots of love.  Also, with us being only a drive away, they can come visit anytime and it gives us just another reason to get closer with them and hangout more.  I really am pretty excited about welcoming Maggie into our home!

Meet 8yr old Maggie

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

love my carbs

Yes, I eat carbs and love them, lol.  To many that know me, that is no surprise.  So, it would make sense that one of my favorite meals to come home and have for a nice relaxing evening is loaded potato skins with some good 'ol sweet tea, which is just what we had tonight.  It made for a wonderful evening followed by this quick blog and then off to catch up on some of my favorite shows with my favorite person.

Well, not only do Garrett and I enjoy some good potato skins, but Cambrie sure did try her darndest to get some also (little did she know we were eating bacon).

I mean, it is very hard to resist this cute face, but nope, she does not get bacon if you were wondering.  Yes, she would most certainly eat it and probably enjoy it, but it's a personal thing... don't want to feed our pet pig pork, lol.

Tuesday, July 12, 2011


Today was my first day back to silks in just over a month and boy was I excited to be back at it!  A few weeks ago Garrett built me an outdoor pull-up bar and I've been trying to utilize it everyday.  Well, I guess it worked because today I came back stronger than the last time I was on the silks.  I was able to do some tricks I'd been working on previously with more ease and I was also able to do consecutive stag climbs, which I previously didn't have the strength to do.  I was shocked and extremely happy!  I plan on continuing to build my upper body strength, as well as increase my flexibility.  Here are just some pictures of the day.  There are a few more on facebook... enjoy!!  Now to go rest my sore (possibly bruised) feet...

double stag climb


bad leg tilt... finally did it!

practicing my fall out of the tilt

Monday, July 11, 2011

oh cambrie

Well today is the first day that Cambrie has been allowed to run and jump since having her stiches in 10 days ago.  Needless to say, the last few days she's been pretty restless.  She has figured out how to open the kitchen cabinets; so we had to put child-proof locks on them... well, today, she decided to climb into one of the cabinets that had a childproof lock on it (don't ask how) and got the dish soap out, as well as make a lovely mess of everything underneath, which Garrett was not so thrilled about.  But, look at that face, how can you get mad at her.

So, we figured we'd let her out and let her just go where she wanted to go (to an extent of course).  We just wanted her to burn some energy, etc.  Anyways, where'd she go??? ...straight to her favorite spot where we occasionally put corn down for her; without even thinking.  So much for burning a lot of energy.

Once she got her fill of corn she wandered over towards the chicken coupe pasture (she likes to tease the chickens).  She will walk up to their coupe and just when they start to come and check her out, she walks the other way.  She is too cute and has such a personality!

After having her fun with them, she went over to the barn and ate up what she could find.  All in all, she did pretty good and I do believe she was happy to be without a leash and able to run!  She's definitely a little cutie, but don't underestimate her; she does try to get her way if she can.

Sunday, July 10, 2011

cowboys with family

Real quick side note:  If you read my previous post about our baby chick, you are aware that she was not doing too well... I unfortunately do not have great news; she did not make it :(  We are going to probably incubate and raise some eggs ourselves or will just buy some ready made chicks at the store since our rooster and hen are not too great at raising them.

Now for today's blog on a much happier note; If you read an earlier blog about how Garrett and I met or if you  know anything about us, you know we love cowboys!  Well, my sister had been once before, but my mom has never been.  Since Amanda is in town now and dance has calmed down a little, I decided to get us all out there together this past friday.  Daddy can't come with him working nights, but mama had no excuse and with both her girls going, it wasn't hard to convince her :)

Amanda-Kay (boo), Mama-Kay, and I

Granted, Amanda and I are dancers, but remember we had to get our talents somewhere... and, mama did GREAT!  I guess she contributed to some of those talents and has some of her own :)

 It was so fun teaching her some dances and dancing with her out on the floor.

I think it's safe to say she loved it and will definitely be back.  In fact, we are already planning our next trip out there.  It's so great to have something we can all do together on occasion.

Here is a sneak peak of some of mama line-dancing... yep, she got it and it was her first time!

Friday, July 8, 2011

God Speed Atlantis

Why do we say God Speed??  It is not just a general wish for a safe journey, or a generic "good luck", but a wish/prayer that they will have success in what they are setting out to do.  Thus, it is used mainly when someone is literally setting out, but can also simply be used to wish someone well in a venture they are embarking on, even if it does not involve a physical journey.

Today marks the last shuttle launch for Atlantis and it is a bitter sweet feeling.  "God Speed" seems absolutely fitting.  This is the end of a Chapter to a much greater journey.  I often find myself taking for granted living where I live and being able to experience such an awesome technology right in my own backyard.  I remember visiting Kennedy Space Center as a child and even visiting more recently... it is such a neat experience and getting to actually watch the shuttles launch make that experience even greater.

shuttle Atlantis (photo by Roberto Gonzalez/Getty Images North America)

This morning's forecast didn't look too great for a shuttle launch.  There was a 70% chance of delay, but as time went on, things looked more promising and the shuttle was able to launch for the last time without a hitch.

July 8, 2011 weather for launch (photo courtesy of cfnews13)

It is always amazing to me to watch the shuttle launch... I only wish today would've been more clear outside or that we could've had a beautiful evening launch, but then again I remember how blessed I am to even be able to see this amazing activity here where I live.  It truly is a blessing.

With all this said, God Speed Atlantis... may you have a safe and successful final journey.  I am so thankful for all the NASA memories from watching launches with my family, to visiting the space center, and just being able to experience everything the shuttle program has had to offer us.

Atlantis' last launch (photo by Joel Matira)

Thursday, July 7, 2011

Baby Chick

Yesterday was a busy busy day and therefore I unfortunately had no time to blog.  When we got home from work, we checked the chicken coup because our hen had been broody for a while and we like to check the eggs daily for hatching.

When we went to the coupe, surprise surprise... the eggs were beginning to hatch.  This time around, she only sat on two eggs... where as previously she had sat on 6, but none of which survived.  So, this time, while the eggs were hatching, we waited with the hen to make sure the rooster did not get too feisty with the hen and thus hurt the eggs and to see that they were okay.  After much anticipation, we could finally see one of the baby's heads.  The second egg still was not quite ready though.  Finally, after some time the other egg seemed to start hatching; so we went ahead to go inside for a little while.

Garrett later checked on the chicks that evening.  Unfortunately, the second egg had not survived.  The first was still doing well though.  Then, today after work, we decided to check out little chick to make sure it was still doing okay.  She was definitely chirping and kind of moving, but appeared to not be quite 100%.  One of her legs was not supporting her well; so we have since brought her inside and are going to put her in an incubator.

And, that's where we are now... one little chick that is as cute as can be; praying that she hangs in there and makes it.  Will keep you posted.  Hope you all had a blessed day!

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

How we met...

Well, talk about a crazy busy (but wonderful!) weekend!  Hope yours was great also!  Garrett and I actually just hit our 6 month wedding anniversary the 1st of this month... may not seem like a real big deal (just another day), but for me this time also brings me back to when I first met Garrett.  One of our very first dates or times together was on the 4th of July 3 years ago (in 2008).  We celebrated the holiday at a "cul-de-sac party" where he used to live.  Him and his roommates, along with a few other local neighbors got a band together, cooked out ribs, burgers, hotdogs, etc... just had a good 'ol time. The party started early and went into the evening.  Garrett and I were still very new and not really technically even a couple yet, but enjoyed every minute together!
4th of July, 2008
Prior to this date, we only had one other date and that was to crash-a-rama in the end of June that same year.  That should tell you a lot about us.  We love the country and just having a good 'ol time.  This also gives you a heads up onto how we met.  Here's how it all began...

I had just started going to Cowboys (line-dance country bar) quite regularly (just about every thursday and saturday evening) while finishing up my senior year at UCF.  I started going with a few friends, but then wanted to start going earlier to learn the dances; so I'd go by myself (which is a pretty big feat considering how shy I am).  From then, I met Jeff (the line dance teacher, who's still a good friend today).  He likes to tease Garrett, telling him that he knew me first :)  Jeff then introduced me to a few people and that made going to cowboys a lot easier because I had begin to come out of my shell more and made a few friends that I probably never would've known otherwise.  Some of which I still am friends with today.

One evening I was dancing and a dance came on that I did not know very well, so I did my best and looked for someone that looked like they new it.  That's where Garrett came in... he knew several of the dances and this dance was no different.  He stood by and kinda helped as I followed along.  Afterwords he came over to talk to me and called me "dorothy" (from wizzard of oz) because I could not "properly" do apple jacks.  May I add, I've since learned how to do them.  Garrett would then say I hit him (remember, he did make fun of me; calling me dorothy) and then go figure, we clicked right away.  We eventually began talking to one another more and dancing less.  To this day, he'll tell you that he taught me how to dance, which is kind of ironic considering I grew up dancing and can probably dance circles around him ;)  After a few more cowboy visits, he decided to ask me to Crash-o-Rama with him and we've been attached at the hip since.
A night at Cowboys
I thank God each and every day that I met Garrett that thursday evening and I do believe it was not by chance.  God brought him into my life at the perfect time and everything has just fallen into place.  I could not be happier to have the wonderful husband that I have.

Sunday, July 3, 2011

Seester... boo!

Well yesterday was such a wonderful day!  It was great to have Lauren, Andre, Carrie, Pat, Jane, Daniel, Erin, Will, Sarah, and Justin over.  We had a very successful slip 'n slide, along with a great time swimming in the pool, and ending the evening with a massive bonfire.  It was definitely good times with great people!!  I thank them all for the wonderful time!!  Should have pictures to come in the near future when one of them posts some :)

Then today was a fairly early morning after not hitting the hay until the wee hours of the morning; but it was well worth it!  Garrett and I got up to go watch my sister dance at nationals.  Yes, my sister (aka Boo) is done with school for the year and came back down from new york city for a while and got to compete with our home studio.  I know she is so happy to be back home with her family and her dance family, Shooting Stars.  And, I sure am happy to have her back... love her!  It was so great to get to watch her dance, after not getting to watch her dance for a year while she was gone!  I've missed her wonderful talent on the local stage here and she again never ceases to amaze!  So proud of you boo!  P.S. Now that you're home for a little while, once nationals are all over and done with; we're going line dancing again!

Amanda and I at nationals last year

Getting our line dance on

Saturday, July 2, 2011

Pitiful Cambrie

Well, Cambrie made it through the entire night pretty well.  She did wake up a few times and kinda had these pitiful sounding oinks (you could tell she was in pain).  They weren't loud, but did sound much different than her normal oinks.  Then she adjusted herself and tried to get comfortable again.  All in all though, she is doing better.  She took both of her medicines very well this morning (It is so much easier giving a pig a pill than a cat; that is for sure).  The rest of this morning consisted of Garrett cleaning up outside and myself doing some cleaning up inside.  While I was cleaning Cambrie slept most the time.  I would move from room to room and find her in several different places, just trying to stay comfortable, but also trying not to get too far from wherever I was.

Cambrie on her duck

Later on her bed

Cambrie trying to get comfy on her bear

Who knows where else she will end up as the day goes on.  We are having some friends from out of town over today/tonight.  I'm curious to see how she does with all of the company.  She normally does pretty good, but I have a feeling she will probably want to keep to herself or stay real close to Garrett and I.  Hopefully she continues to improve and the soreness goes away.  Soon enough we'll have our running, oinking, people person pig back to normal.  Well time to take her outside for some fresh air and to get ready for our company.  Enjoy your Saturday!