Monday, July 18, 2011


Today has been a nice day... work was good, good drive home, relaxing evening at the house, etc.  I decided when I got home to sit out by the pool and watch Cambrie while I got some reading done.  I read a few chapters of Proverbs and it was pretty insightful (as expected of course).  Much of what I read was regarding "wisdom".  One key verse was 13:20; "He who walks with the wise grows wise, but a companion of fools suffers harm."  Wisdom combines understanding with discipline and also adds in some common sense.  However, common sense isn't really common.  We are not wise by nature, but all have wisdom freely available to us if we will just stop talking and start paying attention... paying attention to God and to His word, as well as to parents and wise teachers in our life (whether it be colleagues, friends, neighbors, etc).  Therefore, anybody can become wise, but it does take discipline to study and actively, as well as humbly, seek wisdom at every opportunity.

Another verse that I found was very appropriate was Proverbs 11:27, which states "He who seeks good finds goodwill, but evil comes to him who searches for it."  One of the reasons I decided to blog was to get off of facebook more and get away from some of the "drama" per say.  I just don't enjoy hearing negativity or whining; not that it always is about that, but many times I see statuses that display a "woe is me" attitude.  Some of the people that I see with these status updates, I just don't understand because a lot of times, I don't believe they realize how good they have it.  I've had and still have several friends going through some tough stuff that they did not bring on themselves, yet they maintain some of the most positive attitudes of anyone I know.  I give them all the credit in the world for staying strong.  Ironically (or not so ironically); these positive people also happen to be some of the most faithful, God-fearing, people I know.  I believe those with the most "drama" really do bring it on themselves and often times enjoy it; where as those seeking good find the good, even in the hard times.

I believe that many times people look for influence in the worst of places.  I don't know if this is because they do not know where to search, or if it is out of an earning to fit in, or what it is really.  But, I myself have learned that I need to go to God and the bible more, as well as continue to learn from and respect those older and wiser than myself.  I will never stop learning and hope to always have questions, while always seeking answers.

On a side note, just to throw a picture in; here is our sweet Cambrie all tuckered out.  I love coming home to this precious girl.


  1. Couldn't have said it better myself. I always say that you pick up traits of those you hang around...good or bad.

    Facebook can be drama filled but I try and stay away from that. I mostly read about my family in PA, and of course share pics of Rylie (duh) lol. I hate negativity too. I try not to be negative in any situation, although sometimes you just need to vent (that's what my mom is for haha)

    Keep up the positivity Crystal! Love this post! And thanks for sharing those verses.

  2. Great words, Crystal! Thanks for sharing. It is so easy to get bogged down by everyday life and all its distractions.
    It reminds me of a C.S. Lewis quote...
    "If we find ourselves with a desire that nothing in this world can satisfy, the most probable explanation is that we were made for another world."
