Wednesday, February 29, 2012

33 weeks!

This has been one busy/wonderful week full of activities and even a great big surprise!  Saturday my mom and I went to Nikki's bridal shower.  Nikki is my cousin Jason's, fiance.  It was a great time and I was so happy to be able to celebrate with her and family their upcoming marriage.  She is going to be one gorgeous bride!  Then that evening we got to have Andre and Lauren over.  We went out to a nice dinner at Garrett's favorite place downtown, the Frog and Monkey, and then came home to relax and just hangout with one another.  Sunday morning we all got up and had a lovely breakfast before heading off to a great church service together.  Andre and Lauren then had to leave to go meet up with some other people for lunch before making their 4 hour drive back home.  We really do enjoy getting to spend time with them any chance we get!

After Church, Garrett brought me home to meet my mom.  While he was off to a Nascar party with his friends, my mom came over to kidnap me for the day.  All I knew about the day was that she was coming over and she was taking me somewhere for something, but would not give me an inkling as to what it would be or where it would be.  We started driving and ended up at a dance studio... my first thought and question was "oh goodness!  we're not taking a dance class are we because I am really not prepared for that." LOL.  Then I realized we were at "Turning Pointe" which is a studio that a couple friends of mine teach at.  She said we were picking up a very good friend of mine, Kristina, and then heading off to the next part of the surprise.  So, we went in to meet Kristina and because it was our first time seeing the studio, she offered us a quick tour before leaving.  I almost asked if I should use the restroom before leaving because, again, I had no idea where we were going or what we were doing, but i wanted to be sure I'd make it there, haha.  But before I asked, she showed us the last room and when we walked in, there were 5 of my very closest friends and Kristina's mom, Vicki.  They had all come for a surprise shower that Kristina had planned for me!  I was most shocked when I looked in and saw Lauren who I thought was on her way back to Sunrise... how in the world did I not have a clue that is why her and Andre came down to visit?! lol.  Then, just also seeing some of my other very close and wonderful friends just made me smile from ear to ear the entire afternoon.  Kristina (with the help of her mom) threw an absolute amazing shower and pulled off one heck of a surprise.  I couldn't have been happier.  I am still amazed that my mom and Garrett helped to pull one over on me.  Y'all are good!  I will never forget that day!  Thank you so much Kristina!  Also thank you to my amazing friends that were apart of the special occasion, Andrea, Nydia, Allie, Jenny, and Lauren.  And, thank you to Stephanie, Torie, Joyce, and Sara... I know you couldn't be there, but knowing that you were also apart of it and were kind enough to bless Grace with gifts means the world to Garrett and I also!

LOVE these ladies!
Kristina, Andrea, Nydia, Me, Jenny, Allie, Lauren
Fun Picture with my favorite girls
Monday morning Garrett and I went in for a doctor appointment and got to hear little Ms. Grace Lynn's heartbeat.  She is still sounding wonderful and my belly is normal size for as far along as I am.  He said that everything looks and sounds great!   I only have one more bi-monthly appointment and then it's every week until we meet our little girl.

Tuesday evening Garrett and I went to Winnie Palmer to take the breastfeeding class.  To say the least, Garrett was not very excited about it and I was not very excited about staying up past my normal 8:30 bedtime of lately.  However, once we got into the class, it went by much faster than we both had anticipated and the instructor was a lot of fun!  I also learned a lot and feel more prepared for the future.  I'm not going to lie, I'm still anxious and nervous about everything that we are about to encounter real soon and all of the changes, but every little bit of extra knowledge I can get does help.  And, after all, this being our first child, I reckon' it's normal to be a little anxious/excited/nervous... etc.

This really has been one incredible week and I know that I may sound repetitive from weeks past, but I have definitely been blessed with a great pregnancy overall and with an awesome group of friends and family that constantly show their love and support.  I really don't know what I'd do without them, but I thank God everyday for having all of them in my life.  You all mean so much to me and I know Grace will be blessed because of you all also.

Pregnancy specific things this week include:

  • Grace woke me up in the middle of the night for the first time with just moving so much and nonstop; not the bladder, but Grace.  That was definitely a first.
  • Heartburn has also been getting worse.  I think it's just because she is running out of room and taking up every possible square inch she can get.
  • My feet are more swollen... at least it makes it easier to shave my ankles because the bones aren't as prominent, haha.
  • Belly... yep, still an innie.  I'll be sure to let you know when and if an outie should decide to make an appearance. says:

Your baby's the size of a honeydew!
She weighs about 4.2 to 5.8 pounds and measures about 17.2 to 18.7 inches. And she may grow up to a full inch this week -- amazing.

your baby at 33 weeks
  • She's keeping her eyes open while awake.
  • She's also starting to coordinate breathing with sucking and swallowing.
  • Her bones are hardening.
  • And she's going through (more) major brain development -- that's one smart baby!

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

32 weeks!

Another week down and only a few more to go.  This past weekend Garrett went out fishing with a buddy and I therefore had a lot of Saturday to myself and decided to hangout with my mom for the early morning/afternoon.  We went out to breakfast with two family friends, Cindy and Nydia.  We had a wonderful time!!  I always enjoying seeing both of them and also spending time with my mom.  After breakfast, we headed to Target to get some things and then mom treated me to a pedicure.  While there, it was a pleasant surprise to run into an old high school friend of mine, Leslie.  She is expecting as well and is expecting here very soon!  It was nice to catch up for a brief minute and say hello.  After pedicures, we decided to stop and see by another long-time friend of mine, Lindsey, who was teaching just around the corner.  It was great to see her also... we go way back and I don't see her nearly enough.  So, the few times we get to see each other are great.  Then later that evening, Garrett and I went on a triple date with my mom, dad, grandma, and grandpa to Chilli's.  We had such a great time all together!!  I couldn't have asked for a better Saturday.

Sunday after Church, Garrett and I headed over to Alyssa's family's home to celebrate her precious little girl, Jemma's 2nd birthday.  We had a great time and always enjoying getting to see Alyssa, Kyle, and her little ones while they are here.  It was an added bonus to see her little baby bump as well.  I cannot wait to meet their little boy when he makes his arrival later this year.  They were also kind enough to supply Garrett and I with lots of cute bottles, pacifiers, and pacifier clips.  Thank you so much Alyssa and Kyle!!!  Then Sunday evening Garrett and I went out to dinner with two friends of ours, Jon and Tawnya.  We always have such a fun time together and Sunday was no different.

Also, this week Garrett got started on his garden.  We had Monday off for President's Day.  So, he built three garden beds and they look wonderful!  We also picked up a truckload of compost and he started mixing that into his soil.  He definitely had a very productive day and is very excited about having his sister over Saturday to get started planting some veggies.

As far as baby updates go, I am still doing and feeling great!  Grace has been very active and making her presence known, but I love every minute of it.  My feet are more swollen of lately (probably a lot to do with me hating to give up my heels at work).  I feel fine in them, but my feet definitely tell me otherwise at the end of the day.  So, I have been trying to wear more flats.  My belly button is still an innie.  Garrett is determined that it will become an outie, but now I'm not so sure... it is hanging in there, lol.  Also, my back has been more sore.  I have a feeling it is because of my sleeping.  I have to sleep on my side now, which I am still not used to and I don't think my back likes it too much.  The fact that I am carrying around more weight I'm sure doesn't help either.  On the positive side though, I am sleeping more through the night.  I have only gotten up once or twice in the middle of the night the last several nights.  We'll see how long I can keep this up.  That's about it though for baby news.

Still all smiles and sunshine from here :)  I cannot wait to meet our little Grace.  I know Garrett is ready for her to be here now.  We know time is flying by and she will be here before we know it.  So, we're just trying to get as prepared as we can be.  It's hard to believe that she is probably already head down and if not, is real close to getting there.  It is hard for me to really tell at this point if that is how she is positioned, but it is about that time for her to start making her move... wowzers!  I just know that she still loves to push, stretch, and roll as much as possible to use up any amount of room she may have left.

And to end the week off with a bang, today after work, Garrett surprised me with a dozen sunflowers (my favorite!).  I really am blessed to have such an amazing, God fearing, loving, supportive husband that always remembers it's the little surprises that I love :)  Love you Garrett! says:

Your baby's the size of a squash!
Still growing, your baby weighs in at about 2.5 to 3.8 pounds and measures about 15.2 to 16.7 inches.
your baby at 32 weeks
  • She's getting ready for her descent -- she's likely in the head-down position now.
  • And she's probably feeling a even more cramped.

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

31 weeks!

This week I got to go to the doctor again and great news... I passed my glucose test the first time around!!  I guess that bruise that decided to stick around for at least 3 weeks was worth it, to not have to take the 3-4 hour test.  I was so happy and relieved to here that.  I also found out that my weight was good this last month, which was again a big relief for me because I have been trying my best to be a little more healthy and not put on the pounds like last month.  The last week I had been experiencing a little heartburn at night... not a lot to cause concern, but enough to wake me up at night (more than I'd already been getting up).  The doctor recommended a medicine that would help that would also be okay for the baby.  However, I have not taken it yet because praise God!, since that evening and talking to the doctor, I have not had the heartburn nearly as bad and it hasn't caused me to loose more sleep than normal.  I'm hoping and praying that I continue to feel well and don't have to take it, but at least I have it now in case I should get heartburn again pretty bad.

This weekend was also our first baby shower.  My mom and mother-in-law were so kind to throw us a family shower at the house.  It was wonderful to have all of our family here to celebrate with us and was also great to get some wonderful goodies for Grace.  Thank you so much to everyone that came to celebrate with us and for all the wonderful gifts.  Garrett and I are beyond grateful for each and everyone of you, as well as for all the great gifts for Grace that you generously gave!!  I've got to say that my mom and dad have gone above and beyond during this whole pregnancy by helping Garrett and I work in the nursery, buying us a crib and mattress, play mat, swing, bouncer, clothes for Grace, her first piggy bank, helping to set up showers, being there emotionally, and all-around loving through this whole pregnancy.  I have to brag and say that I definitely have the best parents a girl could ask for and hope to be at least half as great as they are with our little girl.  Here are some pictures from the shower.

Grace got a pair of handmade cowboy boots in honor or where mommy and daddy met :)
And, she got a cute little newborn pea-pod type cover with a matching beanie! :)
Here's her first nice church dress and of course she's going to be a little tomboy...
Gotta take after mom and dad and like the Rays! :)
New 2 in 1 highchair that I can't wait to put to use
And Garrett and I just loved the little finger puppets, haha
Handmade bib for Grace and Stuffed Frog
Cupcake Cake... of course in Yellow! :)
Probably my favorite picture from the evening... looks like a serious conversation, haha
After licking all the icing off the cupcake, Ava decided to give it to Garrett to finish, lol
Grandpa and Daddy enjoying the  cupcakes... love the frosting on Papa's lip :)

Some baby facts from
Your baby's the size of a pineapple!
She's about 15.2 to 16.7 inches long and weighs about 2.5 to 3.8 pounds this month. She's getting so big, She's probably crowding your lungs.
your baby at 31 weeks
  • She's going through major brain and nerve development.
  • Eye development, too. Her irises now react to light!
  • All five of his senses are in working order.

Thursday, February 9, 2012

30 weeks!

Exactly 7 and a half months down... wowzers!  Too think, I only have just over two months to go depending on what little Grace has in mind.  Did I mention how much I am loving being pregnant?!  I am loving every second!!!

This last week has been a wonderful one!  Friday evening Garrett and I went over to our friends Courtney and John's home for game night.  It was a lot of fun; great time with great people!  Then Saturday my mom and mother-daughter friends Marla and Miranda came over to visit for a little while before we all went off to meet Beth for lunch at Haystax.  We had a blast!!  And, to top it off, Beth brought Grace a gift.  Part of this gift was a Criminal Minds onesie; "Profiler in Training" :)  She knows me way too well!!  That is my favorite show by far and the pink baby bodysuit definitely made my day!  I cannot wait to put Grace in it... thank you Beth!!

Then later that evening while watching the Magic game with Garrett, Grace really began to move.  Get this... we got to see her roll for the first time!  Yes, roll!  Not only did we see her kick or punch like normal, but got to see her literally roll or turn in my belly from one side to the other.  It was incredible and definitely a milestone in my pregnancy.  I've been waiting for that moment!  She must be running out of room slowly, but surely.

Then Sunday Garrett and I went to breakfast with a couple friends of ours before church and then later that evening we headed over to Aaron and Jenny's for a fun Superbowl party.  It was so great to spend time with good friends that we don't get to see nearly enough.  I am a little disappointed the Giants went home with the trophy, but it was still a great time!  Monday and Tuesday consisted of work and Garrett working on the nursery.  He finally got all the drywall done and has began spackling... I cannot wait to get the paint finished and then it is pretty much just furnishing left to do.  He is the best!!  I'm so happy that he's making progress on the room.

That brings us to Wednesday! :)  Thanks to a friend of ours, Andy, Garrett and I were able to go to the Magic game against the Heat.   Thank you Andy!  I am so excited to say that Grace got to go to her first Magic game in-utero... and that it got to be a game with such greats as Lebron (as much as I'm not a fan), Wade, Dwight, and my personal favorite, Turkoglu.  What made the evening even better is that the Magic defeated their state rivals 102 to 89!!  Orlando made 17 3-pointers... holy moly!  To say that Grace will be an Orlando Magic fan is an understatement... she will definitely be a Magic fan!  Here is the box score from the game and some pictures.

 Flagrant Fouls: None
Technical Fouls: PLAYERS: None - TEAMS (def3sec): MIAMI (1) - COACHES: None
Officials: Matt Boland , Olandis Poole , Ron Garretson 
Attendance: 18,972
Time of Game: 2:11

Garrett, Grace and I with "the" big man
Allie and I at the game
My man Turk was on the Game book cover!

Love getting to take advantage of this!
In summary, some pregnancy changes/milestones this week are:
  • We can see Grace rolling (yay!)
  • My feet have swollen a little (not cool seeing slightly chubby feet)
  • My belly button is still an innie (I can't believe it)
  • Sleeping is getting significantly more difficult (can't seem to get comfortable)
  • Grace went to her first Magic game (love it!) says:

Your baby's the size of a cucumber!
Your 15.2- to 16.7-inch, 2.5- to 3.8-pound baby continues to grow.
your baby at 30 weeks
  • Her skin is getting smoother.
  • But her brain is getting wrinklier -- to make way for all that essential brain tissue.
  • She's now strong enough to grasp a finger!

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

29 weeks!

This week Garrett and I had the pleasure of graduating from our "preparation for birth" class.  Instead of doing the once a week class for a month or so, we decided to do the all day class on Saturday.  It was definitely long and by the end we were both ready to go, but it was also great at the same time!  I'm very glad we got it done because with our schedules, it would've been very hard to and expensive to travel to Arnold Palmer once a week for several weeks.  The best part about this class (at least for me) would have to be all the massages that I got from Garrett!! :)  We learned the normal breathing techniques and also learned different ways to ease (or at least help get your mind more off the pain of) contractions.  There were 9 couples in total that attended the class and of those nine, only 3 of us were having a little girl.  I am so excited about our little girl, as is Garrett.  He, on the way home, said that he is just ready for her to be here already, but I said to hold his horses, lol.  In a month or so I'll probably be ready to have her here too, but in the meantime I am enjoying being pregnant and want to get as much done around the house as we can before she arrives.

After our class, it was nice to have my mom and sister over to the house and just hang out, play some games, etc.  It was a lot of fun!!  I love spending time with family!  Also this week, another wonderful couple from our church announced that they were expecting baby #3.  Joel and Erin's little one is expected to arrive in August and I couldn't be happier, not only for them, but for the fact that now there are 3 couples from our church all having little ones close in age to raise together, etc.  What a blessing children are and how blessed we are to experience this joy together!

Well, my belly is definitely growing and growing.  And, Grace is moving more than ever... She even twitches occasionally, which I just learned could be hiccups!  It is so exciting to think that our little one may have hiccups in there and that I can feel them.  Also, rather than feeling the punches and kicks so much, I'm feeling more of her stretching and pushing... can definitely tell that her room is becoming smaller and smaller in there.  With all this growing though, I have noticed that my clothes are no longer fitting quite as comfortably as they were.  I was able to wear 3 pairs of my pre-pregnancy jeans, but now can only manage to get into 2 and even they are getting more uncomfortable.  So, Garrett was nice enough to take me out shopping for a couple more 'work appropriate' jeans and slacks that I can wear to work, as well as out and about.  He even helped me pick them out.  I am so much more comfortable now!

Not only was Garrett nice enough to help me shop for clothes, which we all know he loves to do... NOT!  He asked yesterday how I was and I just really wanted something sweet... not really fulfilling to eat, but sweet and then I said "a Slurpee would be really good right now, but it's a little late for that" and Garrett immediately (with no hesitation) offered to drive up to the nearest 7-Eleven and get me one.  I did not want to make him do that though, but he kept insisting... so Instead of making him go, I decided to go along with him and we also took the dog along for the ride, which she loves!  I have such a sweet husband... the sweetest ever!!  Thank you so much Garrett for everything!!

All in all this week has been a roller-coaster of emotions for me and Garrett's been handling it very well.  With my weight continuing to increase and with just everyday emotions going haywire, I have not been the 100% Sunshine that I wish I could be, but none-the-less Garrett has been there by my side encouraging me everyday and loving me everyday, which has helped me so much and he always does know how to put a smile on this girl's face :)

Oh and some exciting news, at least for me an avid Magic fan, I had 4 of my Jeff Turner basketball cards signed this week!  PK (one of Garrett's co-worker's other half) had him sign them for me and Jeff also wrote out a note to me.  They also sent a picture to Garrett of Jeff while he was signing.  Garrett received them from Andrea at work and he brought them home for me.  They definitely made my day!  With everything else going on emotionally, I forgot about everything and was very happy in that moment!!  Thank you so much Andrea and PK for doing that.  I do appreciate it more than you know! says:

Your baby's the size of an acorn squash!
Baby already measures about 15.2 to 16.7 inches long. Right now, she weighs about 2.5 to 3.8 pounds but she's still got a ways to go -- can you believe she'll triple in weight before birth?
your baby at 29 weeks
  • She's getting a little cramped in there, since she's growing so fast. But you probably already realize that, since you're getting all those jabs and kicks.
  • She's growing white fat deposits under her skin, and her energy is surging because of it.
  • Feel a subtle twitch? It might be baby hiccupping.