Wednesday, February 22, 2012

32 weeks!

Another week down and only a few more to go.  This past weekend Garrett went out fishing with a buddy and I therefore had a lot of Saturday to myself and decided to hangout with my mom for the early morning/afternoon.  We went out to breakfast with two family friends, Cindy and Nydia.  We had a wonderful time!!  I always enjoying seeing both of them and also spending time with my mom.  After breakfast, we headed to Target to get some things and then mom treated me to a pedicure.  While there, it was a pleasant surprise to run into an old high school friend of mine, Leslie.  She is expecting as well and is expecting here very soon!  It was nice to catch up for a brief minute and say hello.  After pedicures, we decided to stop and see by another long-time friend of mine, Lindsey, who was teaching just around the corner.  It was great to see her also... we go way back and I don't see her nearly enough.  So, the few times we get to see each other are great.  Then later that evening, Garrett and I went on a triple date with my mom, dad, grandma, and grandpa to Chilli's.  We had such a great time all together!!  I couldn't have asked for a better Saturday.

Sunday after Church, Garrett and I headed over to Alyssa's family's home to celebrate her precious little girl, Jemma's 2nd birthday.  We had a great time and always enjoying getting to see Alyssa, Kyle, and her little ones while they are here.  It was an added bonus to see her little baby bump as well.  I cannot wait to meet their little boy when he makes his arrival later this year.  They were also kind enough to supply Garrett and I with lots of cute bottles, pacifiers, and pacifier clips.  Thank you so much Alyssa and Kyle!!!  Then Sunday evening Garrett and I went out to dinner with two friends of ours, Jon and Tawnya.  We always have such a fun time together and Sunday was no different.

Also, this week Garrett got started on his garden.  We had Monday off for President's Day.  So, he built three garden beds and they look wonderful!  We also picked up a truckload of compost and he started mixing that into his soil.  He definitely had a very productive day and is very excited about having his sister over Saturday to get started planting some veggies.

As far as baby updates go, I am still doing and feeling great!  Grace has been very active and making her presence known, but I love every minute of it.  My feet are more swollen of lately (probably a lot to do with me hating to give up my heels at work).  I feel fine in them, but my feet definitely tell me otherwise at the end of the day.  So, I have been trying to wear more flats.  My belly button is still an innie.  Garrett is determined that it will become an outie, but now I'm not so sure... it is hanging in there, lol.  Also, my back has been more sore.  I have a feeling it is because of my sleeping.  I have to sleep on my side now, which I am still not used to and I don't think my back likes it too much.  The fact that I am carrying around more weight I'm sure doesn't help either.  On the positive side though, I am sleeping more through the night.  I have only gotten up once or twice in the middle of the night the last several nights.  We'll see how long I can keep this up.  That's about it though for baby news.

Still all smiles and sunshine from here :)  I cannot wait to meet our little Grace.  I know Garrett is ready for her to be here now.  We know time is flying by and she will be here before we know it.  So, we're just trying to get as prepared as we can be.  It's hard to believe that she is probably already head down and if not, is real close to getting there.  It is hard for me to really tell at this point if that is how she is positioned, but it is about that time for her to start making her move... wowzers!  I just know that she still loves to push, stretch, and roll as much as possible to use up any amount of room she may have left.

And to end the week off with a bang, today after work, Garrett surprised me with a dozen sunflowers (my favorite!).  I really am blessed to have such an amazing, God fearing, loving, supportive husband that always remembers it's the little surprises that I love :)  Love you Garrett! says:

Your baby's the size of a squash!
Still growing, your baby weighs in at about 2.5 to 3.8 pounds and measures about 15.2 to 16.7 inches.
your baby at 32 weeks
  • She's getting ready for her descent -- she's likely in the head-down position now.
  • And she's probably feeling a even more cramped.

1 comment:

  1. I think Garrett needs to get one of those suction cup dent pullers and attach it to that stubborn "innie".
