This past weekend a wonderful family friend threw me a baby shower at her home. Thank you so much Cindy for the great shower, food, gifts, and just always being there! Cindy has literally watched me grow from the time I was in the womb. (My mom will tell you stories of how she rescued her from my terrible baby stage, haha). They both say that they hope Garrett and I are blessed with a much better baby than I was, lol. Guess we'll know real soon! Anyways, Cindy has been a long-time family friend and part of my life. I cannot wait for her to also be a part of Grace's life. Also, many thanks to Greg and my mom for helping to set up the shower and help with some of the delicious food. And, to all of those that took time out of their day to be there for the occasion, it really means a lot to me and I enjoyed spending time with each of you. Thank you!!
Marla, Debbie, Cindy, Mama, Me, Theresa, Patti, and Barb |
My mama and I... LOVE HER!! |
The Beautiful quilt that my mom hand-made for Grace |
Also this weekend, a friend of mine, Jackie, came over to shoot my maternity pictures. Jackie is the same wonderful photographer that documented Garrett and I's special day last year. I think it is pretty amazing that she will have been part of our lives and helping us to document it from wedding day to the birth of first child and hopefully for many other wonderful future occasions. I have known Jackie since I was in grade school and find it pretty cool that we were able to reconnect recently and that she now will get to know Grace as well and watch her grow up!! While Jackie was taking some maternity shots, it was a pleasant surprise to see my mom and sister pull-up to the house. They came over to hangout with us for a little while and to also see Jackie. Mama took a couple candid pictures on her camera too while here, lol. Below is one of my favorites that mama caught. It only makes me that much more excited to the ones Jackie took. After the pictures, it was nice to just be able to relax next to a fire with Garrett, my mom, and Amanda. Nice to finally see Amanda too after a long while! She's been so busy with dance lately (it is that time of year), it's hard to spend quality time with her, but I do enjoy it every chance we get it.
Candid Picture by Mama |
God has definitely blessed me with some incredible people in my life. This weekend was yet another confirmation of that. I cannot wait for Grace to meet all my wonderful friends and family! She will be here before we know it. Only 38 days left until due date... oh boy! I really do think she is about ready to be here. I've learned that your body will start to clean itself out the closer you get to giving birth and I have definitely been feeling a little more nauseated lately. I almost feel like I am back in my first trimester, but lucky for me I had it pretty easy then and am hoping that it continues going as such. Garrett is so ready for her to be here and I still am enjoying the pregnancy part, but now with the nausea kicking in... I'll probably be just as ready here real soon. My mom did say that is what the 9th month is for, lol, to make me ready to have this little baby. Also, my belly is starting to look more like an outie; which Garrett is oddly excited about, haha. Technically still an innie though; we'll see if that changes in the next month. All in all though, everything else is same ol' same ol'; just waiting patiently as little Ms. Grace grows and moves around inside my belly.

Your baby's the size of a durian!
At less than two months to go, she weighs in at about 4.2 pounds to 5.8 pounds and measures about 17.2 to 18.7 inches.
your baby at 34 weeks
- She's recognizing and reacting to simple songs, if you're singing them. (If you're not, start! She may find them soothing after birth.)
- She's also urinating about a pint a day.
Don't care what you say...THAT'S AN OUTIE!