This has been one hectic or better yet busy week for us. Little girl is now 2 months old and still growing nicely and is very healthy.

She had her two month checkup and is now 12lb 4ozs (~75%), 23in long (~90%), and has a 38cm head circumference (~25%). So, she is definitely eating well and growing strong. At her appointment, she got her first set of shots (aside from the one at the hospital that I didn't have to see). She had to get poked in both legs! I went into the appointment knowing that it would be tough for her and probably even tougher for me to watch, but she did absolutely wonderful overall. I have to say that being the good guy and hugging her real tight afterwards was the most rewarding feeling! I went immediately from a saddened feeling to the best feeling ever. I just really felt like mommy in that moment because I was able to calm her down in an instant. Once we got home, she did great... that is until the stiffness/soreness came in. She was not too happy and wouldn't do anything but scream. After getting some baby Tylenol in her and soothing her a little, she was a much happier camper (especially come bath time... she loves her baths!). So, I am happy to say that not only did she survive and trooper through those first shots, but so did I! :)
That bright red face says it all :( |

This weekend, Garrett, Grace, and I attended the Shooting Stars recital. Amanda-Kay did wonderful as usual and looked absolutely beautiful on stage. I love watching her dance any chance I get. It was also great and such a small world to run into my first UCF KnightMoves dance coach, Courtney, there. Yep, her little girl is now dancing at the studio and it was so wonderful to catch up with her. I also got to meet a very wonderful lady, Melissa, and her family for the first time. They have had such a positive influence on my sister's life (while she was in NYC and still today). They have since moved from there, but were able to come visit the family for the weekend. Then earlier this week, some of Garrett's family were in town and took the time out of their busy vacation to come visit us for an evening. It was so great to see Curtis, Mayi, Laura, and their newest addition James. While they were here Garrett's mom took the time to drive over and spend some time with us also. It was a wonderful evening. Also, a really great family friend of my family's, Nancy, came into town and came over with my mom today to help watch Grace while I went into the office for a couple hours and then I got to spend a little time with them when I came back home.
Grace and GG (Grandma Gardner) |
Sunday, Garrett got to celebrate his first Father's Day! He got a sweet card from Grace, as well as cute little gift, and a card from myself. It was so wonderful to be able to celebrate him as a daddy on his day. We didn't do too much, but we did go out to lunch after church and just had a nice relaxing afternoon.
Daddy with his little girl on Father's Day |
Also, thank you so much little Grace for finally letting mommy and daddy sleep more than 3 hours at night!! :) We started her on rice cereal last week and finally on Father's Day she slept more than 3 hours and kept the same up last night. Last night, we actually got 5 and a half hours!! That is the most sleep we've seen in a LONG TIME! We have had her on a nightly routine for a while now: strip her down and clean her diaper (which she now knows means bath is next and she gets so HAPPY), then she gets her bath, next she gets fed for the last time before bed, and finally she gets put in her crib. She's been on this routine for several weeks, but it is finally kicking in and hopefully she knows that it is bed time which means sleep time. It's perfect timing too because last week and this week I have been working part time from home (thanks to having my mama or sister come over and babysit while I work some days... they are the BEST!!! Thanks Mama and Amanda-Kay!). Starting next Monday though, I am back to work full-time. I am looking forward to it, but not looking forward to leaving my little girl for the first time. On the plus side, it will be so exciting when I get to pick her up from KinderCare and see her smiley beautiful face after work. But, until then, I am going to enjoy every minute I can with her this week!! Below are some more cute pictures of Grace from the week... she is so excited and happy from her bath (definitely the picture of the week!), wide awake in her crib in the wee hours of the morning, and getting ready to go to bed one evening... she's adorable!! LOVE HER!