Tuesday, June 5, 2012

7 Weeks Old

Today Grace is 7 weeks old.  I cannot believe how fast the time has been going.  She is doing really well and still growing quite fast.  These pictures are not the best because she did not feel very well today and that is explained a little later.  Here is the best I could do... one halfway decent one and one of her not having it.

She has actually just about outgrown almost all of her newborn onesies and a couple of her sleepers.  So, we got her two new sleepers in a slightly larger size.  They are adorable on her!  This is just one of those sleepers.  I thought I had a picture of the other, but guess not.  I'm getting really anxious for her two month appt. so we can see just how much she has really grown.

This weekend Garrett and I decided to have another date night and used some of our gift cards that we've had forever and just have been unable to use.  We went to the movies for the first time in probably over a year.  It was so nice!!  After the movies, we met our good friends Jenny and Aaron for a double date at Logan's (my favorite place!).  It was so wonderful to see them and catch up.  Jenny, you look wonderful!!  She is expecting and we cannot wait for their little one to arrive later this year.  While we spent the day out, Nana babysat and Grace got to go for a couple walks and also got introduced to a new formula.  She is doing very well adjusting to the different kinds.  We are trying to slowly introduce her to the different samples that we have received; so if we need to buy any in the future, we will know what she likes best.  She took to it well, but unfortunately we had to use it all within 48 hours before it went bad, if we were going to use.  Because of that, I think she drank too much of it and probably a little too fast (she tends to drink very fast)... So, she has been quite fussy today (as I mentioned earlier), way more than normal.  I think she's got a tummy ache and is a little gassy.  She is only content when sleeping or with mommy holding her.  Hopefully by tomorrow she will be back to her normal self.  By the end of the day, she was already smiling a little more, but still not as much as normal.  She just wants to cry and I feel so bad for her.

love this angel
Also this week, on the positive side, Grace got to meet her first little friend!  Monica and Kendall came over for the day and we had a wonderful time together.  It was great to catch up with her and to introduce the little ones.  It's amazing to think that Grace was that small, let alone even smaller at one point.  Kendall is 3 weeks younger than Grace and little cutie.  And both Monica and Kendall look great!  We cannot wait to keep getting the girls together and for the time when they can really interact with one-another.

Two babes asleep in their car seats after a quick ride out to lunch
This picture makes me LOL 
Sweet girls


  1. Great pictures!! Thanks for sharing! She is looking wonderful! I know you are both so peoud of her! Aunt Cookie

  2. Her first play date - how cute is that!! Love you my angels!!!
