Baby Grace is now 15 weeks old and looking much older by the day.
This was another sick week for baby girl, which meant mommy-daughter day on Friday with another doctor trip. At the doctor she had to have a nose swab for testing and on top of that had to get her DTaP shot. She did not like to have her nose messed with! She handled the shot a lot better than that swab. Fortunately after getting a little baby tylenol in her and some resting, she was pretty good the rest of the evening, which meant Garrett and I could have another date night out! Thank you G-G for watching sweet Grace Lynn.
Mommy-Daughter day... exhausted after a not-so-fun Dr. appt. |
Saturday, we had a girls day (Nana, Grace, and I)... it was a wonderful day and I believe Grace really enjoyed getting out and about. She loves being outside and it probably made her feel better too. She definitely had a lot to say about the day to Daddy when we came home :) Thanks Nana for sticking around and helping around the house too while I got some things done.
"Guess what we did today Daddy?!" |
Sunday, we went back to my home church and got to see everyone there and then afterwards we went out to lunch with the family and some friends. We are certainly one blessed family. At lunch, Grace tried her first taste of lemon!! Maybe she'll take after her mama and love lemons... she is too cute and her face is priceless!!
Love my wonderful and blessed family
...and look at Garrett with all those beautiful Vercamen Girls at church :) |
First Lemon... Priceless :) |
Today, we finally heard back from the doctor and Grace does have a bacterial infection, but luckily it is just that and we can put her on antibiotics which will hopefully get her back to 100% sooner than later. We have also become aware of the fact that we have a teether now! Yep, she is a drooling machine and loves to chew on her hands and her Nuby keys. She still does not fuss very much though, which is wonderful! For the most part she is all smiles... just with a side of drool, hehe. I love her!!
"Mama, Give me!" lol |
Another side note, she is getting closer and closer every day to rolling!! Look at her go. I'm convinced she will make it all the way over real soon!
Almost got it... |
Oh and don't want to forget about Favorite!! CONGRATULATIONS to Favorite (Sarah) and Mike on your engagement!! I cannot wait to be a part of your big day :) Going wedding dress shopping with the best cousin ever this weekend and I cannot be more excited for her!