Today Grace Lynn is 11 weeks old. This last week she has really began to start trying to giggle and has been very "talkative". She puts a smile on my face everyday! Her smiles and giggles are the best!!
She has successfully completed her 1st week at KinderCare and did wonderful! She has already made two pieces of artwork (with the help of Ms. Cheryl and Ms. Donna of course). I was so very happy when I got to see her first pieces of art. She makes me one proud mama. Her first artwork is of a lobster, using her foot and hand prints. Notice the blobs for her hands; yep she loves to hold her hands in fists... so I'm guessing that is probably what happened when they tried to copy them. She is too cute! The second artwork is sand paper. This week, the unit is about sand. So, the teacher put glue on the paper for them and then Grace got to play with the sand in her hands and drop it on the glue.
Lobster Art |
Sand Paper Art |
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She likes to hold that thumb between the index and middle finger :) |
It is so great to see that what she is learning about and watch as she progresses from here on out. The teachers seem to love her and she really seems to love them. Garrett and I also really like their personalities and the entire staff that we've been fortunate to meet. I couldn't ask for a better daycare experience for her so far. Random funny thing; one of the little girls in her class is crawling already and for some reason loves Grace's pacifier; Ms. Donna says she is constantly telling her to stop trying to steal it from Grace, lol. Anyways, from the looks of it, she is pretty comfortable there with them... Below is a picture of what we came to Friday when we picked her up, hehe.
This last week Garrett, Grace, and I went out to dinner with my Aunt Sherry who was in town, along with my mom, Grandma and Papa. Of course we went to Haystax; love that place! It was so wonderful to see Aunt Sherry again and always great spending time with my mom, grandma, and papa.
Candid shot of Aunt Sherry, Grandma, Papa, Garrett, Grace, and I...
Mama's behind the camera |
Love my little family :) |
Then Saturday Garrett's family came over for a cookout and to hangout by the pool. Chuck was in town for a little while, so it was great that he got to see Grace since he's been out of town for work a while and has to go right back out of town. It was also good to have Sandy, Sam, Colton, and Nicole over. We had a wonderful time with all of them.
My girl and I hanging out by the pool |
Later that evening Garrett had his gentleman's night with some of the guys from Church and a couple other buddies. So I took full advantage and planned a shopping trip with mama and Grace. Dad also met us for dinner and then we headed back home to see what the boys were up to. It was a much needed and wanted girls night with much success. Thankfully, I was able to get some Church and Work appropriate clothes that are comfortable and also provide easy access (breast feeding mamas, I'm sure you know the feeling). I went home a happy girl. All the activities of the day definitely pooped Grace out though. She went to sleep early!! However, that meant early morning for mommy :(
Sunday, Grace and I both seemed to have a stuffy nose... not sure where we got it, but it does not provide for easy sleep for either of us. So, Sunday evening was another long night. However, we both made it through the next day and we decided to prop her crib mattress up a little to help her with drainage and it seemed to work last night. She slept all night until I had to wake her up before leaving for work this morning. I think we will keep her crib slightly propped until she starts to breath and feel a little bit better.
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