Little bit is now 43 weeks old! And, it's been one fun, busy week for her :)
In her pjs because our sick girl had to stay home with mama |
Friday evening Uncle Wally and Barb were able to come by with Chuck and Sandy to see Grace and spend some time with us. It was nice to have them visit while they were in town and happy that they finally got to meet Grace!
Also this weekend, Grace actually was able to enjoy her 1st Florida State Fair. We had a lot of fun as a family. It was also nice to have Allie and my mom join us, as well as running into Grandma and Grandpa Myers and Joy while there! Grace's favorite thing I think would have to be the Watusi Bull... she loved it!! She did not want to let go of it's long horns! I'd say that it was definitely a successful trip. Oh, I was even able to buy the diaper bag that I have been wanting to get for Grace and it is nice because once she is out of diapers, it can be used for other things as well. I love it!!
Love my sweet family! |
Definitely Daddy's Girl <3 |
Checking herself out on the camera, kisses for Nana, Loving on the Watusi Bull, and walking at the fair like a big girl |
Love this Girl!! <3 |
New diaper bag for Grace :) |
Then Sunday our church held it's baby dedication. For anyone that may be unfamiliar a baby dedication is a ceremony in which we as Grace's parents make a commitment before the Lord to submit Grace to God's will and to raise her according to God's word and God's ways. The church also commits to helping/supporting us as a family to raise Grace to God's will and according to His Word. They prayed over us (and the other babies and families) and presented each child with their first "New Testament" and presented the parents with a certificate. It was a very nice ceremony. I believe the cutest part was when Grace decided to take center stage and say "hi" to everyone :) She was just waving away and was absolutely adorable! So thankful for our Grace and for the strong support system that she and us as a family have.
Certificate & New Testament, Happy Girl, Elders praying over our family, Family picture after the dedication, and Singing with Miss. Rachel :) |
All in all, we had a very wonderful and blessed week. Hoping yours was the same and here's to a blessed week ahead for each of you!
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