46 Weeks Old and guess what?! We saw Grace take one step this weekend!! I know it doesn't seem like a lot and she isn't walking quite yet, but that one step is a HUGE step (pun intended), this means she could be walking any day now, which is very bitter sweet. I am soooo excited but also continue to wish that time could just slow down. These are the best pictures I could get this week... she did not want to sit still. So, out came the puffs. They got her to sit long enough to at least get this first one, but her funny face is because she is eating a puff, haha.

This weekend, Grace tried her first mommy and me class and had an absolutely wonderful time (as did mommy!). We are going to keep this up for a little while until she is at least big enough to decide what she wants to do or can move on to harder skills type things, etc. This is perfect for her for now though. It's also a great bonding time for her and I.
Playing in the ball pit, hanging on the uneven bars, climbing the big teeter-
totter, and she loved the swings and I loved her faces on the swings while
holding on for dear life, haha |
Also this weekend, Grace got to meet her Great Grandma Gardner, Aunt Cyncy, and cousin Courtney for the first time! They made it into town and were able to spend an afternoon with us. We had a wonderful time with them while they were here and I think it is safe to say that Grace loved meeting them too. She was all smiles and had a great time with them. Hopefully we will get to see them again sooner than later.
Loving her Great Grandma!! |
Meeting Aunt Cyncy and Courtney for the first time! |
4 Generations
Grandma, Great Grandma Gardner, Grace, and Daddy |
Uncle Co-co with Grace |
Finally here are some recent pictures of Grace at church... she loves to watch the music ministry practice.
Eagerly wanting to get onstage, playing the piano with Anna,
singing and dancing along, and playing the guitar with Rachel and Jacki |
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