Thursday, April 11, 2013

51 Weeks Old

Sorry, I have been slacking this week a little, but with good reason.  Amazing Grace Lynn is 51 weeks old!!!
Grace has been sick (again) since Thursday.  She developed pretty bad ear infections along with a bad respiratory infection.  She had to be pulled out of daycare on Thursday and taken to the doctor... there he immediately decided to give her the first dose of Rocephin and said had I brought her in a day later, we may have been back in the hospital.  Friday she received her second shot of Rocephin.  Then come Saturday; I took her in and she was still having fevers, which should not occur with the amount of antibiotics she was receiving through the Rocephin.  So, she also received a breathing treatment while there, as well as the final Rocephin shot because her wheezing had not improved and her ears were still pretty bad.  She was also prescribed 3 other antibiotics, daily breathing treatments, and a probiotic to help counter the antibiotics.  Monday, Garrett took her back into the doctor and her ears look much better, her breathing has improved, and overall she is doing a lot better (Praise to God).  She has however developed a rash from one or multiple antibiotics she's been on, and therefore, that has to be monitored.  Fortunately, the fever has not returned and rash hasn't worsened; so she was able to go back to school yesterday morning for the first time in almost a week.  She is still not quite 100% herself and it was so hard to leave her because she did not want to let me go (which is very unlike her).  I know it was good for her though to interact with her little friends and to just get out of the house.  This morning she she was even more herself and more playful when I dropped her off.  I think she just needed some time to get back into the normal routine and swing of things.  Here are just a few cell phone pictures of our sweet Grace from this week.  We bought her a swing for her birthday and decided to give it to her early since she's been unable to really get out and about; plus she will not know the difference on whether she receives her gift now or later.  She loved it!!  I was so happy to see her smile because her sweet smiles have been harder to come by this last week.  The top picture is pre-swinging and her typical behavior all week (understandable).  The other three are her happy to be swinging faces :)
Garrett and I are both just thankful that she went through all this this past week and not this coming week, as we will be celebrating her big 1st birthday!! :)  Here's to her continuing improved health and that she is 100% for her big day!

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