This has been a crazy last couple months since I've last blogged. I really have been slacking, but in my defense, like I said, yes it's been very crazy! I just wanted to sum up and catch family and friends up that haven't seen pictures in a while and have not known what we have been up to.
We recently just got back from a cruise to see my sister Amanda (Aunt Boo to Grace). For those that don't know, she is on the production cast for one of Royal Caribbean ships and is doing what she loves... dancing! It was so awesome to be able to spend a whole week on a boat supporting her, watching her do what she does best, and spending family time with one another. She is in two shows, "Saturday Night Fever" and "In the Air." Both shows are amazing, but I have to admit, our favorite was "In the Air". Most of the show is literally in the air. Amanda spends a lot of time on silks, climbing huge cargo nets, hanging off various apparatus' and flying through the air in this show. She did amazing. Grace even got into it and recognized her Aunt Boo. As soon as she realized which one she was, she yelled "BOO!" lol. She also clapped after each act and said "Yay!" We also got to see Amanda perform in her parades and do a mob dance in the middle of the Promenade. One of the last afternoons, Amanda had to join the production cast and work on a filming for Royal Caribbean and the cruise director was kind enough to let Garrett and I watch and Grace even got to be in the video... how cool! While on the boat, we were also introduced to many of Amanda's friends. They were all so sweet and even kind enough to give Grace extra attention during the parade and just in passing if we saw them. We also went to a special Dreamworks Breakfast for Grace where she got to meet some of the Dreamworks characters. Other than that, most of time was spent as a family (Amanda included) in Labadee, Haiti and Falmouth, Jamaica. Amanda even got to eat dinner in the formal dining room with us a few nights of the week when she wasn't working or rehearsing. I could go on and on about this trip, but I will spare you... Instead, here are some pictures from our WONDERFUL vacation!!
Grace made it onto the jumbo tron with her Aunt Boo :) |
She loved walking up and down the stairs |
Dreamworks Breakfast |
Like her daddy, she loves her ice cream |
On the beach in Labadee |
On the beach in Labadee |
Getting her hair braided by a local in Falmouth |
In Falmouth, Jamaica |
She loved the H2OZone! |
Her Aunt Boo in the Dreamworks parade |
Kisses for her Aunt Boo |
Love these two girls!! |
Lounging on the bridge in the promenade |
Love my family!! |
The three girls :) |
After the cruise, much of our time as been spent at home. Garrett has gotten a lot more done around the house and property. He really is the best!! We also got together with our good friends Justin and Monica and had a play date for our two girls. It had been way too long since we've seen them and Grace has gotten to see Kendall. They really are two peas in a pod and absolutely adorable together. What's even more awesome is Monica and myself are both expecting and our due dates are just a month and half a part... so we will have little ones about the same age again. They are one of the sweetest families we know and I am so happy that Grace will get to grow up knowing their sweet girl.
These girls loved to swing! |
Kendall wasn't too sure about Cambrie |
Pretty girls = pretty friends |
For me, I've just been busy every weekend going to work out and once a month attending our ladies prayer breakfast with the church ladies. It really is nice to have such a grounded group of ladies/friends that are there for you, praying for you, and just all around good people. Oh and other exciting news... I just found out this week also that my best friend of 25 years, Stephanie, is expecting as well. So excited to be pregnant with her and even more excited to see her real soon when we go up there to visit!! Another very dear friend of mine Nydia also just delivered her precious baby girl Lana. She is absolutely adorable!! Congrats to you Nydia!!
Stephanie and I, circa many years ago!! :) |
Well, baby update for me; I am getting bigger... yes bigger. This belly is no longer hidden. I am currently 20.5 weeks and have reached the halfway point. Baby #2 will be arriving before we know it. My due date is the 21st of July and it is killing Garrett that I have chosen not to find out the sex of the baby. I like the suspense and surprise of finding out at the end... so, I am holding out. I went to the doctor this week and the baby's heartbeat sounds great and doctor said I am growing well too... not too big and not too small. Grace is also more aware of the fact that I am growing a baby... we ask her "where's the baby?" and she points to herself and then we ask "where's the other baby" and she points to my belly and says "there!" :) I cannot wait to see her as a big sister. Her teacher at daycare sent home the sweetest note talking about when she helps with the babies on occasion at school and how much of a help she is. She said she will be a great big sister and I have no doubt :)
Meet Baby #2 |
Grace leaning in for a kiss |
She loves her little brother or sister |
She kept lifting my shirt looking for him or her |
This is truly PRICELESS!! Great update... love it!