January always starts out with a bang as Garrett and I celebrate our anniversary on the 1st! :) This year we celebrated our 4th anniversary and it just so happened that Garrett got the opportunity to travel to Hawaii for work. Because he was going to have some free time and he was getting per diem, we decided to splurge on a plane ticket for me so I could join him and we could really have a wonderful anniversary trip. Also, since his cousin lives on Oahu we were able to extend that stay! Thank you Dave and Wendy for your hospitality. I think I found a new love... paddle boarding with sea turtles! Too bad, you can't really do that in Central Florida. We had such a wonderful time visiting and hanging out with you! Thank you Gigi and Papa for watching our girls for those 10 wonderful days too, and skyping with us every chance we got, so we could see them. This was the first time leaving the girls for a long period of time, but it was definitely worth it, as we had a wonderful time and we know our girls did too! The highlights had to be, Garrett surprising me with an evening out at a Luau and to visit McGarrett's home (from Hawaii Five-O) and then me just happening to walk up on a recording session for Hawaii Five-O. My trip was definitely made! Another awesome experience was attending a local church service there and singing in their Ohana Choir in the Hawaiian language (up in front of the congregation, yes the minister called us Florida tourists out, but it was so worth it!!). Also this month, we had a double date night out with my parents to a magic game. My mom received a special package as a retirement gift and shared the evening with us. We don't get to the games as often as we'd like, but when we do, we always have the best of time and this game was extra special, as we got to enjoy dinner at Jernigans with my parents and enjoy the game from the club seats. It was a wonderful treat!! Thanks Mama and Daddy.
Morning Hike in Hawaii |
The Church that we attended and sang in the choir with |
Love!! Standing in front of Steve McGarrett's home (from Hawaii Five-O) |
Kamekona's food truck from Hawaii Five-O |
Luau surprise from my handsome husband. He did not tell me where we were going and what a special treat this was!! Memories to last a lifetime! Happy Anniversary LOVE! |
Magic Game Double Date fun!!! |
February was not nearly as busy for us as January. This month really only consisted of the annual pig pickin' at the Myerses and a special 1st birthday party for sweet Lana (Nydia and Avery's precious girl). So great to celebrate her big day and catch up with my dear friend!! Although it was not a busy month, it was a great month with family and friends... sometimes the best times are those when we can sit back and breath for a while :)
Happy 1st Birthday Lana! |
March started with a bang as we got to go on a big family cruise. Garrett, myself, and the girls went cruising with Nana, Papi, Granny, Papa, Aunt Sherry, Uncle Larry, and cousin Karin and it was so much fun!! Of course we went cruising on Amanda's boat so we could see her and make it all that more special. Amanda's crew friends were so very awesome too! They treated Garrett and I to champagne the one evening that my parents took the girls so we could enjoy a dinner just the two of us and they also spoiled our girls in every way by showing them so much love and attention during shows, parades, and just while walking the boat. I don't know if they realize how good they had it, but I do know that they LOVED every second and Grace still talks about "Alex" and "Julien" and that was such a special time for her. Unfortunately, right in the middle of the week, Grace caught the dreaded Norovirus and was the most sick she has ever been. She was a little trooper though and got through it and was able to enjoy the last couple of days. I'm sorry Nana that you had to catch it from her :( Side note: Scarlett started standing with support this month!! She is following right on Grace's track as she was also standing at 8 months old.

Carousel fun |
Hanging out with Daddy |
Love these two! |
Hanging out with Boo after her show... Grace was so proud and excited when she saw her performing |
What we did when we didn't feel well :( |
Thank you Boo for my Lion to cuddle with |
Our little stander! |
April began with the church Annual Easter Egg hunt and Easter Service. This is also always a special month as it is Grace's birthday month! This year we decided to make it a little extra special for her and treat her to a day at Disney with her best little friend Bella. They had so much fun together and are so very cute. We also had a small birthday for some of her other little friends and mostly family. Grace gave us a scare when she fell head first off of the top of the slide, but praise God, she was not hurt and was much more scared than anything. I cannot believe our baby girl turned 3 this year. Then we winded down the month with a trip to the beach with Garrett's family and our good friends Sheena and Randall. I cannot believe we do not go to the beach more as Floridians, but we rarely go and this was a wonderful day out!
Happy Easter! |
May we had Scarlett's baby dedication. She was absolutely beautiful! We are so thankful for our church family and their support in our children's lives. Dedicating our girls was such a special moment for us and for them. It was also extra special because both sets of grandparents got to be there on that special day. May was also a big month for Grace as she caught her first fish with daddy! And ever since she has been hooked. She loves fishing with her daddy and Papa whenever she can. I think she is probably the best fisherman"girl" out of them too! Go Grace!!
Family is a beautiful thing! |
Grace on left 2013, Scarlett on right 2015 |
Happy Baby Dedication Day pretty girl! |
My first fish! |
June we had the first Ride By Faith 4x4 Club pool party/BBQ at our home. They really are a great group of people and I am grateful that my husband has found some good friends through starting up this club with Jason. If any of you are interested in off-roading (trucks, jeeps, side-by-sides), you should definitely check out their club or ask Garrett or I for some info. They do rides at least once a month and then also take time out for things like this party just to come together and fellowship. Also this month we did our annual father's day trip to the Florida Aquarium. We even got to meet up with one of Garrett's good friends from high school, Valerie. It was great meeting one his friends from high school. He grew up in Tampa and therefore does not see his friends from there all that often, so it was great to meet someone that he was such good friends with and for them to be able to catch up as well. Happy Father's day to the best father to the best little girls around!
Playing Frisbee at the BBQ |
Love this candid picture Andrew captured of Grace at her daddy's leg |
Happy Father's Day Daddy!! |
July our little bit is 1!!!! Holy moly, where is the time going?? We had a little birthday party for Scarlett with family and had her first year pictures done. Thank you Jackie for always being so patient with us. Family pictures for our group isn't always easy when you have an impatient husband that does not like taking pictures at all. And, when you have two little ones that refuse to smile at the same time or look at the camera. It is all good though because it always makes for memories to look back on and Jackie was still able to get some great pictures that we will cherish forever!
August we were able to take the girls to Wet 'n Wild before they close the park for good. When I was about Grace's age, I actually won a cute kid contest (see picture, hehe) and was awarded a group of tickets with no expiration date. Well, my parents still had those tickets and with the parks upcoming closure, they gave them to me and asked if wanted to take the girls... no question needed. We had so much fun! This month was also the girls' first NanaSchool Field Trip and they went to GatorLand! Loved the pictures that my mom was able to get and hearing the stories. Grace was so excited and couldn't wait to tell me that she sat on an alligator. Also this month, our dear friends, the Culbertsons, invited us to go to Universal with them. I decided to keep it a surprise for Grace. She has never been and had no idea where we were going or who we were meeting. So we got there a little early and when she saw Bella walking up, she got SO EXCITED! The two girls are just too dang cute. Thank you Holly and Jesse for allowing us to enjoy that wonderful day with you :) Other big news this month, Amanda is ENGAGED! Amanda has found the love of her life and I could not be more excited for her. Thiago is such a sweet guy and they are so cute together. I love seeing them together and the joy that they both bring to each other's faces. I cannot wait to stand beside you on your special day!
CuteKid Contest Winner - 1987 |
Tall enough for some of the "big girl" rides! |
Look at me! |
Universal with her Best Bud! |
September started with the family reunion. We drove on up to Valdosta and had a great time with the Sheppard family. I always enjoy my time with family. Grace also got up in front of church again and sang with the children... proud mommy right here! We went dress shopping and found Amanda the most beautiful wedding dress. I can't spoil the surprise, but I can say that without question, she is going to be STUNNING! Then... on top of my sister getting married, my sister-in-love, Sam also got engaged! It's been a few months full of LOVE! Then to wind down the month, our ladies from church had a painting night out and what fun that was! I cannot wait to do it again. Finally, Happy Big 3-0 to my favorite guy, my rock, the one I love more and more everyday! You are the best husband, father, and friend. Love you!
Cards are always a hit at the family reunion! |
Painting night out |
Happy Birthday Daddy |
October we made our annual pickin' patch trip to get our pumpkins and have some fun. We also celebrated my birthday this year over girls weekend! My mom, sister, the girls, and I went to Reddington Beach (Clearwater) and spent the weekend right on the water. We went to the Clearwater marine aquarium to meet Winter the dolphin (with the prosthetic tail from Dolphin Tale) and see some other rescued animals. We also spent some quality time on the beach and had a great time together. The following weekend we celebrated Bella's 4th birthday Ninja Turtle style. Finally we wind down the month with Halloween and year three of home-made costumes proved to be a success!!! We had the most beautiful Tinker Bell you will ever see and the most adorable minion!! Thanks Mama and Boo for helping with the costumes. They were spot on.
Family Picture at the Pickin' Patch |
Happy Halloween! |

November we celebrated Grace's little friend Tanner-man's 3rd birthday. Great to see his mommy and daddy (our dear friends Jenny and Aaron too). We had Amanda's first bridal shower this month as well. She didn't know why she had to have one, but I think it is safe to say that she is glad she did, lol. This girl is a hoot and it was a lot of fun celebrating her and her upcoming wedding with family and friends. This month we also made our Annual trip to see Santa Claus and cut down our Christmas tree. This however was the year that Scarlett did not want anything to do with Santa. So of course she is screaming in what few pictures we could get with her on his lap. Grace on the other hand was so excited and could not wait to tell Santa what she wanted. She is our little perfectionist for sure. When I said, "What did you ask Santa for?" She responding by saying, "I'm very good at coloring, but I messed up my painting a little. So I need more paint. I want paint." She makes me smile. Such a sweet girl. We also celebrated Thanksgiving this year and had the largest group we have ever had with 24!! It was such a wonderful time with family at Papa V's home. Thankful for my family (all of them near and far). Love you all!!!
Happy Birthday to the little Ladies Man! |
Now we are in December and although the month is just to the half-way point, we have already had the final shower for Amanda at Cindy's where she got spoiled with more love and fun from some family friends and even a couple old dance buddies. It was again very special to be there for her. Now we are just counting down the days to Christmas and celebrating the birth of Jesus. Our girls have been participating in Random Acts of Christmas Kindness at NanaSchool and it is so cool to see them learning these things at such an early age. Grace was so excited to tell me that they "made cookies for the police man and they were so happy!" Lets not ever forget the reason for the season. From our family to yours, we wish you a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.
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