I cannot believe how fast this year has gone and how much we've done/accomplished this year. Here is the Myers family year in review.
January: Garrett and I celebrated our 5th anniversary and Amanda-Kay got married!! I cannot believe that my love and I have already reached 5years; may those years just keep coming and our love continue growing. Love you handsome! Also, might I add that Amanda and Thiago had the most beautiful flower girls that I have ever seen!!! Oh and she looked pretty stunning herself. Congratulations Boo and Thiago!! I am so happy for you both and so happy to have Thiago as a brother. He's pretty cool and a pretty sweet guy for my pretty sweet sister.

February: Garrett and I did an anniversary cruise; just the two of us. It was a TON of fun!! We always like to venture out on our own and find some fun things to get into and this cruise was no disappointment. One of my favorite things was renting a scooter with him and driving around the entire island of Cozumel with him. This month we also went to the state fair as a family and with my mom and dad. That is always a lot of fun and such a great family tradition. The girls absolutely loved the animals and getting to milk a cow.
March: We had dinner at Kiku's this month to celebrate Granny and Papa's anniversary. The girls loved the fire and Scarlett kind of loved a lemon, haha. Mama also brought the girls out to have lunch with me at work... us girls love some steak n' shake!
April: We went to Atlanta to see my best friend Stephanie and Garrett's best friend Bryan. We always have a lot of fun visiting such great friends. We also celebrated Grace's 4th birthday this month by having a fun slip-in-slide party and also taking her with her good friend Bella to Animal Kingdom. Later in the month we went to South Carolina and got to visit some family in NC along the way. It was so nice to see the girls with their great grandma Dee Dee and also with great grandpa Frank. Then we ended the vacation staying at the beach and having a lot of fun with mom and dad and our immediate family.

May: This is mama's birthday month, so I decided to do something extra special for her this year. So actually the last day of April, I took her out to do our normal birthday shopping trip together and told her we had to get back home a little early for dinner with Garrett, daddy, Amanda, and Thiago. Unannounced to her, Garrett was home entertaining maybe 30+ of mom's friends and former co-workers. When we showed up, she had no idea and immediately started to tear up when she saw everyone in the back yard. I think it was a success! The end of the month, Garrett and I got a good scare while on a date night. We got a phone call from his parents (who were watching the girls) saying that there was an accident at home and Scarlett had bit her tongue pretty bad. Luckily we were just a few minutes away. When we got home, it was much worse than expected... she actually bit just about all the way through her tongue and had a gigantic gash across her tongue. Garrett ended up driving her to the ER late in the evening while I stayed home with sleeping Grace. Fortunately, the tongue heals pretty quickly and she got through that scare okay.

June: Grace rode a sheep! Yes, she tried her first shot at Mutton Bustin' and was such a trooper! She immediately got off and at first was not too sure, but then wanted to ride again. Hoping this is something we can do again in the near future. Scarlett started gymnastics this month and what a hoot she is. That girl is just a little spit fire out there. Garrett or I have to actually go sit with her because with a bunch of 2-3 year-olds, they often like to just wander away and do their own thing. This month Sam had baby Juniper too! The girls have their first 1st cousin and she is just a little doll. We visited Sam and took her dinner and the girls were just so sweet with the new baby.

July: We started the month by enjoying the Mt. Dora 4th of July parade. We always have a great time together there. We decided to get Grace into horseback riding and she started this month. She absolutely loves it and is so cute up there on the horse. This unfortunately meant un-enrolling her from gymnastics because we simply can't do it all. We are at peace with the decision though and Grace is very happy which makes us happy. This month, I also received an offer from Duke Energy to fulfill a Transmission Line Engineering position out of Lake Mary. YES, THANK YOU GOD!! This was all definitely a God thing. I will have to go into more detail in a separate blog if you're interested in that. It was incredible how God answered prayers and spoke to me throughout that entire process. I grew closer to God in that short month more than possibly ever in my life. Again, you'll have to read more about that to understand why. Finally, this month we celebrated Scarlett's 2nd birthday by having a wonderful pool party with friends and family.

August: Grace started VPK this month. She was so excited to go to big girl school and carry her "pack-pack" as she calls it. I also had my first day at Duke the end of this month. I could not be more at peace with that decision and what a wonderful welcoming I received on that first week.
September: Because we un-enrolled the girls from gymnastics, we thought it only fair to get Scarlett back into something, so she is now taking baby hip hop and is loving it! That little one certainly loves music and loves to dance. We had the Sheppard family reunion in GA this month. Grace also started soccer this month and is loving that. We ended this month celebrating Garrett's 31st birthday. Happy birthday to the best daddy and husband there is!!

October: Grace had her 1st soccer game and scored the very first goal... and not only 1 goal, but she ended up scoring 5! Needless to say, she was hooked from that point forward. So proud of her! This month, I received more formal training and actually went to Wisconsin with two other ladies I work with. We had a ton of fun and they even celebrated my birthday since I was away from family on my birthday. They made the week that much more wonderful! Well, I gained yet another brother this month! Sam and Steve are now married and can you believe it, they also had the most adorable flower girls ever!! Sam also looked wonderful and the wedding was beautiful. So happy for those two and their sweet little family. We ended the month with Halloween and year number 3 of home-made costumes. However, this year, we enlisted the help of Granny because the costume surpassed mama's and I's taping, gluing, and stapling skills, haha. The girls looked absolutely precious! We had our very own Minnie Mouse and Ariel.

November: Yet another busy month... We had our Leeper family reunion which we have not had in 18 years!! What a wonderful time we had getting everyone together again and seeing the new generation of kids all playing together. I am so happy that this tradition has come back and I cannot wait for the next one. Grace had her last soccer game this month and received her first little trophy. I also participated in a Team Building Event with Duke. What fun we all had bowling together!! Scarlett also had her first dental visit and got through it like a champ! Finally, we rounded out the month with our annual tree-cutting and seeing Santa Clause. This is always such a special time and so much fun!

December: Now we find ourselves in December. Scarlett received her first haircut this month at Harmony Barbershop and we got to enjoy a fun day at the park with Nana, Papi, Aunt Boo, Granny, Papa, and Papa V. I love making memories and seeing the light shine on our girls' faces. These years are going by way too fast and we are just trying to make and soak up as many memories as possible. We certainly have been blessed. I hope that this month finds you and yours well and that you all have a Very Merry Christmas!! If you don't have Christmas in your heart, you certainly will not find it under the tree. Please remember the real reason for the season and cherish this time with your loved ones, Happy Birthday Jesus!!
Stay sweet like these Popsicles and these girls... lots of love from the Myers family to yours!!
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