Tuesday, May 15, 2012

4 Weeks Old

Today Grace is 4 weeks old... just about a month; where has the time gone?

This last week has been pretty busy.  Thursday Grace made her first appearance at our Gospel Community Group and did great.  Saturday, we made our first somewhat long road trip down to Tampa and again she was such a little trooper.  We went to meet up with my Aunt Sherry and Uncle Sonny so Garrett could go through some tools and pick out what he wanted; he is so grateful to them for the trailer and truck full of stuff he got to come home with.  While there, we also met up with my family (they were there for a dance competition) and with favorite and Mike.  We all went out to lunch and just had a wonderful time!  It is always so great getting to see family when we can.  Here's my girl and I and also Nana with her favorite grandbaby.

Sunday was then Mother's day... yep, my first mother's day!  So exciting!  I was very happy to get my first mother's day gift from my wonderful mama a couple days early since I wouldn't be able to see her on Mother's Day.  She got me a wonderful picture collage of Baby Grace, as well as a key chain with Grace's picture.  I was very excited!!  On Sunday, we got up after a lazy morning laying in bed and got ourselves ready for church.  Yes, I got my first ever Church Mother's Day gift; a beautiful potted pink flower.  It is the little things that make me happy and that definitely made me happy.  After a great church service, we then headed over to Chuck and Sandy's to spend the afternoon with them and the family and had a wonderful time.

Sunday morning; Like daddy like daughter :)

My girl and I on Mother's Day!
Monday I had my postpartum doctor's appointment.  I can't believe it's that time already.  All went great and I lost about 23lbs, yep... still got a little more to go, but I was so happy to be back to a manageable weight and look more like my pre-pregnancy self.  Here are my girl and I this weekend, just prior to the appt.  I am back in some of my normal clothes, but still trying to get into more... I will get there :)
I am curious to see how much weight Grace has gained... I'm losing weight and she is gaining it.  She has her month-old appointment this Thursday; so we'll know then.

Finally, today Grace and I ventured out to Garrett's work to meet him for lunch and to introduce Grace to his co-workers for the first time.  After lunch, I then drove over to my office to introduce my co-workers to her while I was on that side of town.  It was so nice to finally have all of them see her in person, after only seeing pictures.

All in all, what a wonderful week it's been.  Grace is sleeping about 4 to 4.5 hours a night, which is great!  We have gotten her on a nightly routine, which I think is slowly helping her to realize when bedtime is.  We love this little girl more than words can express.  She makes so many of the goofiest faces and makes the cutest little sounds.  I just love to watch her, whether she is sleeping or awake... it is the absolute best!  Here are a couple pictures from one of her many baths, that she LOVES!  She takes after mama in that.  She loves her bath and does not like getting out because she is not fond of the cold.

1 comment:

  1. These are all AWESOME pictures!!! So proud of you and love watching you as a mommy... Hugs to you, Garrett, and Baby Grace!!
