Tuesday, May 22, 2012

5 Weeks Old

Can't believe Grace is now 5 weeks old.  She had her month-old appointment last week and is absolutely perfect!  She weighed in at 9lb 4oz, 21.25 inches long, with a head circumference of 36.5.  She is in the 50th percentile in every category with each of those numbers.  She also received some topical cream to help with her baby acne and had a follow up appointment on Monday.  I am happy to say that her acne is now gone and that she gained about 8 more ounces in just those few days.  Our little girl is getting close to that 10lb mark.  I can't believe she is more than 3lbs heavier than at birth... wow does the time fly and is she growing fast.  I just love seeing how much she is changing... she is looking more and more like a little baby and less like a newborn.  I may be biased, but I believe she is beautiful!!

This last weekend Garrett had to go out of town again; this time for Bryan's wedding.  I must say I am pretty disappointed that I couldn't go, but Grace is still much too young to expect her to behave at a wedding and I definitely did not want to spoil Bryan and Sara's big day with a fussy baby.  Garrett was one of the groomsman and had an absolute wonderful time with the guys this weekend and said the wedding was wonderful (which I didn't doubt for a second!).  We are sooo happy for the newly married couple.  This has been a ways coming and we couldn't be more excited that their big day finally arrived.  Congratulations to you both!!!  Love you guys!

While Garrett was out of town, I spent much of the weekend with my family.  My mom, sister, and I spent Saturday together getting pedicures and lunch.  Then that evening we met up with my dad and all got dinner together and did a little shopping.  It was such a wonderful day!  Then Sunday, I went to church with my family and we were able to meet Garrett on his way home for lunch.  I couldn't have asked for a better time!  Also, my sister was able to come stay the night a couple nights and go with me to Grace's appointments since she is out of school right now.  She is definitely one incredible Aunt.  I know Grace is going to love her more and more as she grows up with her love :)

Boo (aka Aunt Goober to Grace) with Grace Lynn
Last night, we finally gave Grace a bottle for the first time and she did wonderful!  She had no hesitation whatsoever and took the bottle immediately.  That is great because now we can let Nana and Papi babysit while we have a date night or better yet, Garrett can feed her on occasion.  We are still going to keep up breastfeeding too though.  I just hope I can supply enough and get up a decent stock for when she goes to KinderCare.  We'll see... worst case, we mix in some formula if need be... hoping we don't have to do that too much though; would rather use the free food :)

She is doing great though and mommy is doing wonderful as well.  Grace is much more alert and has much better head control; so it is so great to actually spend time with her during the day and watch her personality develop.  I love it!!!  She definitely has a cute one too :)

Good Morning :) from my girl and I

1 comment:

  1. I love my precious niece, Grace, and my sister and brother!!! Ya'll are the coolest family ever! :)
