Tuesday, November 11, 2014

3mos and 2.5yrs

Scarlett Lily is now 3 months old and growing like a weed... Grace is 2 and half and also growing like a weed!  They are developing so much these days... their minds are little sponges :)
My loves <3
3-mos old
Love these two!!
Scarlett is now talking up a storm!!  She is however camera shy for some reason, but I was able to sneak a quick video of her cute squeaks this last week :) I love her little smile at the end when she realizes that I am filming.

She is still not sleeping through the night... Garrett and I are determined to break this habit (even if it really isn't up to us, haha).  She is cute as a button though and doing SOOO much better now that she will take a pacifier.  She would not take one for a long while and just a couple weeks ago finally decided she would try it out and now it is a lifesaver!

This last month we went to a pickin' pumpkin patch, where we actually got to "pick" our own pumpkins out of a large patch and also pick a sunflower.  Garrett was unable to go, so my mom took the trip with us gals and we had a wonderful time!!  Grace just had to have the oddly shaped, yet perfectly symmetrical gourd :)  She picked out a keeper and loved it!!

We also got our "craftiness" skills out and tried home-making a costume again for Grace this year :)  I think my mom and I (with Grace's help) did a great job!  Check out our sweet Minnie Mouse.  Scarlett actually wore Grace's first Halloween costume.  It was a wonderful evening of trick or treating and Grace really enjoyed going up to the house, saying "trick or treat".  She then did not want to put the candy in her bucket.  She was determined to carry each piece until we got to the next house when she had to put it in her bucket to grab a new piece :)
Our family on Halloween :)
Scarlett with her Aunt Boo
Scarlett is oh so close to rolling.  She actually got her bottom half of her body all the way over once... I have photo evidence!!  She did this on her own :)  She is still struggling though to make it a constant thing, but we believe she will be rolling in no time!

Grace is still in gymnastics and still loving it very very much!  Her is a video of her jumping and doing a roll.  This is probably her favorite part of the class.
My big girl doing her split :)
Handstand Wall Walk-Up
Other things going on these last few months have been celebrating Garrett and I's birthdays.  I turned the big 30... WOWZERS!!  Where has the time gone?!  Our girls (with the help of Nana at NanaSchool aka NanaCare) baked us each a cake on our birthdays and made us special gifts.  We are beyond blessed for this opportunity my mom has taken... it's not only been great for her, but has been absolutely wonderful for us and our girls as well!!  Grace is learning memory verses, prays before every meal, and is thankful everyday for something new.  She also has been attending the local library story time each week and learns new songs there.  I am amazed at how much she is growing as a little person!!  Her favorite songs are "Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star", "ABC Song" and "Jesus Loves Me".  I will have to film her singing some of her songs so you can see them :)
Happy Birthday Mommy!
Happy Birthday Daddy!
Where is the time going??  They are precious together!!
I have so many more pictures, but don't want to flood you with them.  These girls are such a blessing to Garrett and I.  I am not going to lie; it is tough at times with the terrible two stage and the newborn stage... but we would not change a thing.  These girls really are pretty awesome!!!

Funny story to end on:
Daddy was upstairs in the kitchen cooking and mommy and Grace were downstairs with Scarlett.  The Conversation and story plays out as follows:
Grace: Mommy stay.
(Grace starts to walk away)
Grace: Mommy, okay (takes mommy's hand); come here.
(Grace walks mommy all the way through the living room, up the stairs, into the kitchen)
Grace: Stay
(Grace holds my arms with each of her hands and places me in front of the oven)
Grace: COOK!

Oh my, did Garrett and I get a good laugh out of that.  We had no idea what was going through her mind, so we just let it all play out (took a little time, as you can imagine a 2yr old walking me all the way up in our home if you've been there, and getting me to the oven, etc).  We could not have planned that, even if we tried!

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