Wednesday, November 30, 2011

20 weeks!

Can you believe I am 5 months pregnant already?!  I know I can't!  Time is certainly flying and I've got to say that it's definitely been a pleasant journey thus far.  Garrett even said today that he liked me pregnant and to get prepared because, as of now, he wouldn't mind me being pregnant often, haha.  I haven't had any cravings, crazy mood swings, or horrible morning sickness.  He originally wanted nine kids, yes nine!  But, now he's down to four.  We'll see how the remainder of this first pregnancy goes and how well our first baby treats us :)  We are so excited to meet miss little Grace.

This week has definitely been a crazy one, but a great one!  Thursday, of course was Thanksgiving.  Garrett and I took the girls, Cambrie and Maggie, over to Chuck and Sandy's for the day.  We played lots of volleyball, ate lots of great food, and the girls definitely got spoiled.  Maggie got to swim in the pond, Cambrie got all the corn she could eat, and both of them got their share of dropped goodies, but they were so cute and well behaved that it was hard to deny them of it.

Then, this weekend Garrett and I, along with my mom and dad, and our little porker Cambrie went to Climax, GA to see my Great Aunt Sherry and Uncle Sonny.  We stayed with them Friday evening and then Saturday we all spent the day at the 37th annual Swine Time Festival.  There was pig calling, baby crawling, corn shucking, and greasy pig chasing.  It was a successful and fun day to say the least.  Cambrie did so well with all of the people (kids and adults) and she behaved the entire car ride (5 hours) to and from.  Visiting Aunt Sherry and Uncle Sonny is always such a wonderful time.  I cannot wait to visit again!  We even said next year we'll have to go back with Cambrie and Grace and maybe enter Grace in the baby crawling contest, haha.
So well behaved and great on her leash!

Our Happy Growing Family

Greasy Pig Chase!
All in all, it's been a great week and Grace definitely has started moving!  I just started really feeling her this weekend.  And then yesterday, she was soooo active.  It is such a wonderful feeling... it's the BEST feeling.  It's kind of hard to explain, but if I had to, I'd say it's a lot like having butterflies in your stomach.  I can just every once in a while feel her push or kick (can't tell which), but she is definitely putting pressure on my stomach and it feels very neat!  Garrett gets excited too because when she is real active, you can see my  belly move and he likes to see that (as do I!).

Hope you all had a wonderful thanksgiving with family and friends!  God Bless! says:

your baby's the size of a cantaloupe!
Baby weighs about 10.2 ounces and measures about 6.5 inches. She's still got a lot of growing to do though. Can you believe you're halfway done?
your baby at 20 weeks
  • She's got working taste buds.
  • Now, she's gulping down several ounces of amniotic fluid each day -- that's significantly more than before.

Wednesday, November 23, 2011

19 weeks!

Last week as you know we went to get an ultrasound, but I had not revealed what Garrett and I were being blessed with.  I am happy to announce that we will be welcoming a precious baby girl in April!  Her name is Grace Lynn Myers.  Yes, we did have, both, a boy name and a girl name already picked out.  So, we'll just have to put the boy name on hold for any potential future boy baby myers'.  Grace has been a name that I have always liked and Garrett didn't really have any ties to any specific girl names that he wanted.  So, when we were contemplating different names, we both kept coming back to Grace and were able to stick with it.  Not to mention, come to find out, my grandfathers late sister (my great aunt) was Grace!  Lynn is a name that actually runs in both of our families.  I have always expressed how much it meant to me to keep it in my family and when Garrett was talking to his grandmother, he found out that Lynn actually is a middle name that runs further up in his line.  So, all in all, I believe it was meant to be and I actually like the ring to it and think that it all flows pretty well together; Grace Lynn Myers.

It's a GIRL!
Rubbing her eye
This last Saturday Garrett and I had a baby gender reveal party.  I wanted the gender to be a surprise until the end (crazy, maybe, but that's me) and Garrett wanted to know as soon as possible of course.  We compromised by finding out the sex together at the doctor and then throwing a reveal party the following weekend to keep the surprise and have our families find out together.  The waiting to tell was the hardest part!  However, I don't regret any of it for a minute.  I was so happy to be able to watch our little Grace move on the monitor and to be able to talk about her and her progress with the technician, as well as, hear the explanation as to just why she's a she and what the u/s tech was looking for, etc.

1. four generations Grandma, Mama, Me and Grace!
2. Me with my two Papas
Surprisingly more people chose boys, but guess what?!  It's a girl!
This Monday, Garrett and I went for a normal OB visit.  Again we were able to hear Grace's heartbeat, which I always love!  However, I was a little bummed to hear that I'm a little over my weight goal.  Good news is though, the doctor says that I'm not much over and still have time to get it in check.  I just have take in more healthy stuff and less of the french fries.  Those were my saving grace, especially through the whole first trimester (any salty carbs were my best Friend).  Guess I don't really need those now.

All in all, I'm doing great and Garrett is doing wonderful as well.  We are both so very happy about welcoming another girl into the household.  However, I don't know what Garrett is going to do with all us girls.  Between me, Cambrie, Maggie, and now Grace, he may have a handful, lol.  I know that he is going to love every minute of it though!  It's also great to know that mama is only half an hour away and can be over at beckon call.  I know she'd be over in an instant to help when I need her or just be there for emotional support.  I also know that we'd be welcome over there anytime!  She is already counting down until little miss Grace will be here and she and the other grandparents can spoil her! :)  We have definitely been blessed and I know Grace Lynn will also be blessed by all the same family and friends that God's place in Mine and Garrett's lives.

Well, tomorrow is Thanksgiving.  I do hope that you all have an absolutely blessed Thanksgiving with your families, friends, and whomever you wish to celebrate or spend time with.  Remember to be thankful for all your many blessings.  I know that I am so very thankful be able to be a wife to the most amazing man a girl could hope for, daughter of an incredible mom and dad that continue to inspire me and be a positive influence in my life, and a mommy-to-be of a precious baby girl that I cannot wait to welcome in the next year!  God Bless all! says:

your baby's the size of a mango!
At about 6.0 inches long and weighing in at about 8.5 ounces, she's getting there!
your baby at 19 weeks
  • Developing a protective coating over her skin, called vernix caseosa. It's greasy and white and you may see some of it at her birth.
  • Working on her five senses. Nerve cells for her sense of taste, hearing, sight and smell are developing in her brain.

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

18 weeks!

This has been one world wind of a wonderful week!  Thursday, Garrett and I started our first week with our community small group from church.  It was a lot of fun and great fellowship time.  We are really looking forward to the weeks to come.  Saturday, Garrett, my mom, and I went to Epcot for the food and wine festival.  Yep, the pregnant gal went to a wine festival, haha.  I was so happy and excited to go though just to at least see all the wonderful sounding drinks and foods and spend time with the best mama and hubby.  And, you know I was not going to pass up some delicious strawberry gelato!  Then our next big day was Tuesday!

Tuesday, Garrett, my mom, and I went to get my second ultrasound and yep, this was the big one... would we be having a he or a she?  We've been praying and praying that our little bundle of joy would cooperate and show us just what he or she was.  Lucky for us, our precious baby did just that!  Our joy is definitely a mover and not camera shy by any means.  We were able to get numerous face shots.  Baby Myers is also quite the flexible one and constantly had a leg by the head and/or an arm wrapped over the head.  I must say that aside from just finding out, some of the best things were seeing the baby open and close its mouth... yep already sucking, and to see the heart beat, as well as hear it (that is always amazing!), to see the spine and all it's bones, see the brain, see little fingers and toes, and finally just to see all the movement!  I cannot wait until I'm able to feel some of that moving... and feel those little feet push on the belly.  The u/s tech also did lots of measuring and our little baby is growing quite proportionally and is right on track for an April 14th delivery. The femur, brain, bladder, my fluids, etc... all measurements looked great!

saying hi with the hand way up over the head!
Taking after either Aunt Amanda, Me, or Daddy with this flexibility
All in all, it's been just a wonderful week and Garrett and I are definitely blessed.  Saturday, we will be sharing the wonderful news with our family and some family friends.  I cannot wait to then share with everyone else what the next little Myers baby will be.  Stay tuned! says:

your baby's the size of a sweet potato!
She's about 5.6 inches long and about 6.7 ounces now and she keeps on growing rapidly. (That's why you're probably feeling so hungry.)
your baby at 18 weeks
  • Can you believe she's yawning, hiccuping, sucking and swallowing?
  • And she's twisting, rolling, punching and kicking, too -- and she's big enough that you might be able to feel her doing it!

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

17 weeks!

I can't believe that my belly is FINALLY just starting to look like a pregnant belly.  People still will not say anything because they don't want to mistake possibly just a chubby belly for a baby belly.  However, many people that know I'm pregnant and have seen me recently have noticed the growing change and commented on me looking "more" pregnant now.  It's a pretty cool feeling knowing that my body is starting to physically reflect the little blessing that I'm carrying inside.

I cannot wait to be able to say he or she, let alone refer to our baby by their name real soon! (yes, I said real soon).  We have an appointment set up for next week to find out the sex of our child (baby willing... and cooperating).  I'm really hoping that baby myers cooperates and shows us what he or she is.  Garrett and I are so excited and anxious!

All in all, I've been doing a lot better lately, my appetite is starting to get a little more normal and I haven't really had any sickness in a little while now.  I'm also starting to get some energy back.  I still get pretty tired, pretty early, but I am able to force myself to stay up a little longer than I had been (instead of 8:30, I can make it to 9:30pm if I try hard enough, lol).

This last weekend my mama and I had a much needed and wonderful girls day.  We went shopping and got pedicures!  I love spending time with my mom and we are good shopping buddies because I can be very indecisive, which she helps me with and I love to help her pick out stuff for her too.  It's a win/win for us both!  After our mom/daughter day, we came back to our house and met up with some family friends for a movie night.  It was a lot of fun to get together with the Gonzales', Justin and Antonio and their mom (Michelle), and my family.  We hate lots of yummy food and enjoyed Cars 2.

The whole last week in general has been pretty wonderful and definitely a blessing.  I hope that each of you also had a wonderful and blessed week.  God's blessed me with some pretty incredible people in my life and this week I've really noticed that.  "A friend is one who strengthens you with prayers, blesses you with love, and encourages you with hope."  I believe that is so true and that is the just kind of friend I strive to be.  I know that I have friends (by that definition) in my life and I've seen and/or talked to some of them throughout this week.  I'm just constantly encouraged by them and always get joy when talking to them or being around them.  Hopefully you guys know who you are and I only hope to bring that same hope, encouragement, and joy to you.  A big thank you to all of you for everything!!  Also a big thanks to God always for reminding of my blessings and placing each and every one of you in my life for one reason or another.  You all are a blessing in my life.

Here's what has to say about week 17:

your baby's the size of an onion!
Baby continues to beef up. Now she's about 5.1 inches long and weighs about 5.9 ounces.
your baby at 17 weeks
  • Her rubbery cartilage is now turning to bone.
  • And she's growing some meat on those bones -- putting on some fat.
  • She's growing a stronger, thicker umbilical cord, too.

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

16 weeks!

I'm finally to the fourth month (16 weeks and 4 days to be exact).  I cannot believe how fast time is flying.  I've been doing really well and feeling pretty great.  Some mornings I still have a little nausea, but nothing a few crackers or little food can't fix.  This weekend Garrett and I visited my home church where my family still attends.  It was so great to see everyone there and I know some of them were excited to see us and the baby bump (tiny might I add, but slight bump).  We then went out to eat with the family and had a great afternoon together.

Some other fun news from this weekend; Garrett and I's church held their annual Festival of Tents on the church property.  Since we've only been attending Round Lake for about 8 or 9 months, this was our first experience with the event.  It was a ton of fun!!  It was basically just a bunch of church family camping and celebrating God together.  We camped out with them Friday evening and enjoyed great fellowship over food, campfire, and games.  Nothing says country church like camping and hog roasting... It was great fun and nice to get to know some of our fellow community better.  You bet we'll be back again next year.  This was also our first experience leaving our two babies home alone.  Luckily, our church is only 5 mins or so away from the house; so we could let them out Friday evening and then again Saturday morning.  I can proudly say that they did wonderful and left no messes!  They were rewarded with some treats and lots of lovin' of course!

Also, Garrett and I carved a pumpkin together... I unfortunately did not take very many or very good pictures of it though.  See if you can see what it says.

Yes, we're still supporters, lol.  I really hope we can share our love for the team with our little one next year.  Our bundle of joy is definitely going to have a Magic onesie, jersey, or something (or multiple) of Orlando Magic!

Anyways, update with the baby, he or she is growing quite fast!  My baby bump is slowly but surely expanding... and I'm still lotioning up.  Before I know it, I'll be pretty rotund and ironically I can't wait!!  Here is what the belly looks like at 16wks4ds:

And here is what has to say:

your baby's the size of an avocado!
Now, she's about 4.6 inches long and weighs about 3.5 ounces, and she's big enough that your doctor may be able to hear her heartbeat.
your baby at 16 weeks
  • She's listening to your voice, thanks to tiny bones forming in her ears.
  • She's growing hair, lashes and eyebrows.
  • And she's forming taste buds.