Wednesday, September 14, 2011

9 weeks!

Now 9 weeks along and still having some morning sickness, but all in all not too bad.  The worst thing this week so far has been having a sore throat and congestion on top of the normal morning sickness.  Fortunately, compared to what I've heard some people have had, I've got it pretty easy.

I am still eating like a horse.  I honestly think that Garrett's least favorite thing about this whole new journey is not getting my leftovers :)  He used to always eat his portion and whatever I was unable to finish... but not of lately.  I believe I could and sometimes do out eat him.  From the pictures you can probably see I've gained weight and I do believe it's all just from eating too much :(  I'm looking forward to the day I can actually see what looks like a baby bump and not something that can just be mistaken as "chubbiness".

P.S. These baby bump photos may get fun and creative... Garrett thought it'd be "cool" to have the rhino in this week's pictures.  And, they aren't too bad I reckon'.  I figure if he's going to take pictures, I'll let him have fun with them too; then it's fun for both of us!  Who knows what the future pictures what the future ones will entail.  Can you tell he wants a boy??  It's okay, if it's a girl, he's fine with that too, but the only pink she'll be seeing is pink rims on a four-wheeler. :)

Here's what has to say about our baby at nine weeks:

your baby's the size of a green olive!
She's gaining steam! She measures around .9 inches and weighs about .07 ounces
your baby at 9 weeks
  • This is a milestone. She's no longer an embryo -- now she's a fetus!
  • She's developing more distinct facial features.
  • And she might now have a strong enough heartbeat to be picked up by a fetal doppler.


  1. Best days of your life to come. Enjoy every minute of the experience. Love your updates.

  2. Just wait until you start feeling it move! So excited for you both (or all 3?) LUCKY BABY!

  3. I LOVED being pregnant! I hope your experience was as wonderful as mine...morning sickness and all. Wish I were there to "rub the baby bump" :) Ali

  4. You are so cute Crystal!! :) I am soo happy for you and Garrett!!
    <3 Morgan
