Thursday, July 7, 2011

Baby Chick

Yesterday was a busy busy day and therefore I unfortunately had no time to blog.  When we got home from work, we checked the chicken coup because our hen had been broody for a while and we like to check the eggs daily for hatching.

When we went to the coupe, surprise surprise... the eggs were beginning to hatch.  This time around, she only sat on two eggs... where as previously she had sat on 6, but none of which survived.  So, this time, while the eggs were hatching, we waited with the hen to make sure the rooster did not get too feisty with the hen and thus hurt the eggs and to see that they were okay.  After much anticipation, we could finally see one of the baby's heads.  The second egg still was not quite ready though.  Finally, after some time the other egg seemed to start hatching; so we went ahead to go inside for a little while.

Garrett later checked on the chicks that evening.  Unfortunately, the second egg had not survived.  The first was still doing well though.  Then, today after work, we decided to check out little chick to make sure it was still doing okay.  She was definitely chirping and kind of moving, but appeared to not be quite 100%.  One of her legs was not supporting her well; so we have since brought her inside and are going to put her in an incubator.

And, that's where we are now... one little chick that is as cute as can be; praying that she hangs in there and makes it.  Will keep you posted.  Hope you all had a blessed day!


  1. Have you seen Popper's Penguin's yet. I think it would be your kind of movie.

  2. How is the baby doing this morning? She is so cute... Sorry I didn't get to come over last night. Love to you guys

  3. Crystal, How about an update on the chick?
